Tony Benn at Viva Palestina send-off

Gaza convoy, spring 2009

Viva Palestina's first humanitarian aid convoy into Gaza, spring 2009. We delivered 12 ambulances (plus some minibus / out-patient ambulances), and over 90 other vehicles full of medical and emergency aid. We were joined in Libya by a further convoy of dozens of food aid trucks. Hassan Ghani from Press TV has made a documentary about the convoy; it makes use of several of these photographs. You…  (read more)

Tony Benn at Viva Palestina send-off

14 Feb 2009 93
Hugely zoomed in from a different photo, but I thought you'd all like to see him ;-)

Ramsgate embarkation

14 Feb 2009 67
Getting fired up for departure; after all the dashing about of Hyde Park this was the first time most of us got to meet. Not exactly to relax and chat though, as Kim and I had to get 96 sets of customs documents processed in two hours... Many, many thanks to the customs team, to Orbit Shipping, and to TransEuropa Ferries.

The leading geese (close-up)

15 Feb 2009 78
What we're doing there with the doors is intended to create a slipstream for the rest of the convoy... ;-)

Rest stop

15 Feb 2009 54
They're so scenic in Belgium and France!

Tea break

15 Feb 2009 59
Getting used to bonding at the roadside!

Stopped for prayer time

The road south

Bibendum shows the way


16 Feb 2009 75
Quite often, we weren't sure exactly what for. Occasionally, nobody at all knew.

Vehicle donation. Battery included. Kim not.

Convoy fashions

Chasing windmills

17 Feb 2009 58
Through the windscreen, but I liked them.

Golden girl

That big aerial

17 Feb 2009 85
This biggie could reach both ends of the convoy most of the time. Relaying everybody else's messages is a great way to "stay in the loop"! ;-)

Team 11 works it out

17 Feb 2009 89
Sending off one ambulance to match a part for another...

Blackburn to Gaza


348 items in total