Crack in the sky

North America, summer 2007

A visit. Taking in Québec (Montréal and Sherbrooke), New York (state and city), and Los Angeles (plus Santa Barbara). And some amazing people in those places :) If you look through them in the order they're shown here, they're a kinda travel blog.

09 Jul 2007

75 visits

Crack in the sky

# There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. Thanks Leonard :) This is actually from my first ever trans-Atlantic flight. I spent the trip chatting to my neighbour, a fascinating guy who despite being a vegetarian Hindu, actually worked for the government, involved in designing weapons...

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24 Jun 2007

71 visits

Éli & Caro 1

Éli on the right, and her wonderful friend and flatmate/landlady Caro, who was ever so kind in putting up with me as well for a while :)

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24 Jun 2007

73 visits

Éli & Caro 2

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24 Jun 2007

81 visits

dark : light : ball

25 Jun 2007

75 visits


26 Jun 2007

61 visits

Éli and her parents

I've heard so much about these guys, it was about time I met them! And they're wonderful, of course.

26 Jun 2007

43 visits

Flowers in her hair

26 Jun 2007

65 visits

Street scene

Exploring Montréal the K way — just wandering around with no particular place to go.

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26 Jun 2007

53 visits


In the Basilique Notre-Dame in old Montréal. This place brought a tear to my eye. Not for religious reasons, but just because it's so beautiful and peaceful. A little blurry. A week or so later, taking advantage of the crazy exchange rate, I'd buy my first image-stabiliser lens, for what was effectively half the UK price... looking forward to the results from that :)
38 items in total