Final planning stage

Good Good Friday VII, 2010

Random acts of kindness, drinking, dancing, and even football, in the traditional Easter "Join MEet" in Nottingham, England, UK.

Final planning stage

A clipboard – we must be organised

Pretheistic ducks

The hands of Yoffi


02 Apr 2010 59
Worshipping a minor deity in the duck pantheon.

Tasty treat

Duck race; bankside viewers

Duck race; contestants

Starfish retrieval

Jason: preparing to chuck a duck

07 Apr 2010 66
(Well, a starfish. A plastic starfish.)

Chuck'n-a-duuk (Jason)


Wee cow'rin', tim'rous beastie...

Richard: preparing to chuck a duck

Chuck-a-duck (Richard)

Into orbit

72 items in total