Stay on the path, lads

Gaza convoy, winter 2009

I'm not thrilled with them – and there are almost none from Gaza itself! – cos I was just getting into learning how to shoot with a video camera, and didn't put enough soul into the stills. Nevertheless, here they be.

Stay on the path, lads

31 Dec 2009 180
Slightly concerning roadsign on the way to Gaza. Also of some small note because this is in the heart of the uprising area in Syria now (2011). Seemed so calm then, apart from the odd Brotherhood types turning up and chanting at welcome parties. You might see a few more photos creeping in from old convoys — I'm working with some video footage and taking the occasional screen grab.

Two and two half uncles

Toxicity to Gaza


Caution! Official fill-up!

Making the most of a traffic jam

Jus' chillin'


Meeting the locals

Take it to the bank

Gentlemen, start your engines

Ambulance chaser

Showing ourselves off to Greece

Thesaloniki snake

Sympathetic construction

193 items in total