


24 May 2012 7 6 266
I'm a "hat person", but I don't think this is my colour :)


03 Apr 2012 1 179
This is a crop from the image I posted yesterday.


03 Apr 2012 2 2 189
Taken through the window of what looked like a vintage clothing shop in Reading. Processed in "Flare" in order to get rid of the reflections (my Photoshop skills not up to doing it)! I thought it turned out kinda quirky..........

GI Joe

14 Sep 2013 6 7 449
Taken at Camden Market.

All dressed up for Halloween!

16 Sep 2013 6 8 479
I don't celebrate Halloween myself, but for those of you that do............."Have a good 'un!"


30 Aug 2018 9 10 190
Does anyone else find these faceless mannequins a bit spooky?

Turkey Head

14 Dec 2013 5 7 390
I like to wear hats and have quite a collection........but even I draw the line somewhere. Couldn't resist getting a shot!