One Pair........Two Pears.

Still Life/Tabletop Photography

One Pair........Two Pears.

21 Jul 2022 22 31 216
Taken on a small table in my garden in natural light. White cardboard as a background. I ate the subject matter after the photo was taken :-)

Meet Boris

21 Jul 2022 20 36 197
Boris is my new photographic model. Initially, he was reluctant to pose for me - I have no idea why :-))) There's a couple of marginally more sensible images in the PiPs. I have no recollection of taking these photos, but I've been assured that no rules were broken and I have no intention of resigning! Thanks for looking. Have a lovely day and an enjoyable weekend.

Threads on Bobbins

07 Jul 2022 14 26 182
Another one for the Macro Dreams ✨ challenges Group: We don't have an official challenge for this week so we've been encouraged to visit previous challenges. This fits in: multiple, circles or curves, multicoloured, fibres, hobbies, repetition and 5 or more.

Nigella Seedheads

07 Jul 2022 30 32 178
Taken from my garden and photographed in natural light using a piece of green cardboard as a background. They really are amazing seed heads and best captured before they go brown.


07 Jul 2022 15 20 218
Another, if slightly obvious one, for the Macro Dreams ✨ challenges Group: Hearts. It would also fit into the following challenges: Jewellery, Metal, Silver (although very tarnished).


07 Jul 2022 14 18 229
For Macro Dreams ✨ challenges Group: Hearts


30 Jun 2022 11 18 171
This is for the Macro Dreams ✨ challenges group. This should fit the challenges of: Keyboard, Electronics. This is part of an old Franklin Computer "Spelling Ace" from the 1980s. Check out the PiP for another one (a Chambers Concise Crossword Dictionary also by Franklin) from around 2003. Forgot to dust that one :-))

Wooden Bracelet

30 Jun 2022 13 22 185
This is for the Macro Dreams ✨ challenges group. This should fit the challenges of: Jewellery, Cubes, Dark on black, Geometric, Multiple, 5 or more.

Poppy Seed Head Collage

09 Jul 2022 23 34 208
I got some Poppy seed heads from my neighbour's garden and wanted to try something different with them.............this collage was the result. I hope you like it. Best viewed large........thanks for looking.

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)

21 Jun 2022 19 30 200
Feverfew in a bottle. Taken indoors on my table top using flash and a sheet of textured card as a background. There are two PiPs. The first one shows the same little flowers without the bottle using a different coloured card background, also taken on my tabletop using flash. The second one shows the feverfew flowers en-masse, in my garden. Thanks for looking. I hope you all have a great Friday and a super weekend :-)

Glass Drawer Knobs

22 Jun 2022 18 18 174
These glass and metal knobs look like they've come from an old dressing table or something similar. My wife found them in either a charity shop or a car boot sale years ago thinking they might come in handy one day. She was right (as usual)..!! For the Macro Dreams ✨ challenges: Knobs or handles, 3, Multiple, Metal, Circles or curves, glass, 5 or more.

There's aways one................

04 Jun 2022 29 43 236
Have you noticed, when taking a group photo, how difficult it is to get everyone looking in the same direction? Macro Dreams ✨ challenges: 3, multiple, circles or curves, fruit and vegetables.

Cotton Reels

04 Jun 2022 22 35 190
I found these in my wife's sewing cabinet and thought they'd make a good image for the Macro Dreams ✨ challenges group. Challenges: 3, End on, Multiple, Circles or Curves.

Caffè Latte

27 May 2022 26 32 280
With beautiful artwork. Nice coffee too! A quick snap with my phone, taken in a café in Chichester, West Sussex.

Group Hug

04 Jun 2022 26 34 227
The cherries are a little bit past their sell-by date...........but these were the best I could get. Anyway, after their hug I ate them and they tasted fine :-))) Macro Dreams ✨ challenges: Multiple, Circles or Curves, Fruit and Vegetables,.


04 Jun 2022 23 32 176
Picked from my garden and photographed indoors in natural light, with a textured paper background. This was a 11 shot in-camera focus stack. Please view large if you have time. Thanks for looking.

Just for fun..!!

04 Jun 2022 15 36 157
Guess what these were used for. Clues: These were issued to me in 1968 and they were used regularly until 1971 and occasionally thereafter until 1998. Reading my profile may help. For Macro Dreams ✨ challenges: Guess What and End On. EDIT: The answer is now below. Thank you for joining in.

Watch Strap

26 May 2022 14 24 149
For the Macro Dreams ✨ Challenges group: Watch Strap, Circles or Curves, Multicoloured. This is my wife's watch strap. In the PiP you'll find an image of my own watch strap, which is more utilitarian and slightly grubby :-)

307 items in total