There's aways one................

Food & Drink (including Fruit etc)

There's aways one................

04 Jun 2022 29 43 237
Have you noticed, when taking a group photo, how difficult it is to get everyone looking in the same direction? Macro Dreams ✨ challenges: 3, multiple, circles or curves, fruit and vegetables.

Caffè Latte

27 May 2022 26 32 280
With beautiful artwork. Nice coffee too! A quick snap with my phone, taken in a café in Chichester, West Sussex.

Group Hug

04 Jun 2022 26 34 227
The cherries are a little bit past their sell-by date...........but these were the best I could get. Anyway, after their hug I ate them and they tasted fine :-))) Macro Dreams ✨ challenges: Multiple, Circles or Curves, Fruit and Vegetables,.

Mixed Nuts

26 Feb 2022 13 18 180
Tabletop photography. Natural light. These are arranged much neater than my previous image of the same subjects :-))

Star Anise

10 Mar 2022 24 24 214
Tabletop photography - having a play with my macro lens and some Star Anise. Trying out the in-camera focus bracketing feature on my camera which combines multiple images taken at different focus distances to give a resulting image with a greater depth of field than any of the individual source images. I think I need a bit more practice yet........but I was reasonably happy with this one for a first attempt. (Also for the Macro Dreams "Challenges" group.........Multiple and Herbs and Spices)

Black Peppercorns

13 Mar 2022 20 24 195
Tabletop Photography. Macro Dreams Challenges Group: Herbs and Spices, Multiple, Something Rough. Best viewed large on black if you have time.


26 Feb 2022 15 17 157
Tabletop photography.

Tomatoes on the Vine

02 Dec 2021 28 20 197
Taken in my indoor studio (the bathroom) yesterday, The background is a piece of white card and I used a flash, bounced off the ceiling for lighting. Enjoy your day everyone...........and have an enjoyable weekend. Stay safe!

Better Late than Never

21 Oct 2021 30 26 203
I meant to post this for Halloween.............but completely forgot! Taken in the gardens at Hinton Ampner House, a National Trust property in Hampshire.


17 Sep 2021 22 19 210
Taken in one of the walled gardens in Mottisfont House and gardens, a National Trust property near Romsey in Hampshire. Please view large, for best effect. Thanks for looking and have a great Friday :-)

"An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away"

05 Sep 2020 17 25 198
Another shot from Hinton Ampner House and Gardens. A variant of the proverb, "Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread" was recorded as a Pembrokeshire saying in 1866. The current phrasing, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", began usage at the end of the 19th century, with early print examples found as early as 1887. (Wikipedia).

Fries Love (PiP)

15 Jul 2020 17 19 191
Chips, chips and more chips.........with at least 8 different accompaniments and at least 8 different toppings! An unusual looking mobile catering service for those using the sea front in Southsea. Please don't ask me if I tried some...............I'd hate to have to lie to anyone :-))

Love Coffee (1)

16 Apr 2020 19 28 245
Coffee beans, a piece of card as a background, and a fancy frame! You have to pass the time indoors somehow :-))

Love Coffee (2)

16 Apr 2020 18 26 226
Coffee beans, a large cup and saucer, two biscuits and a piece of black card. I used a cheap LCD panel as lighting.

Rock Buns

06 Apr 2020 7 13 147
Made by my wife. There were twelve but none left now. How did that happen?


02 Apr 2020 7 8 168
Something really simple today and no puns! You used to be able to "go to work on an egg". If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you're obviously much younger than me but you can check out the link if you have nothing better to do:

Have an Eggcellent Weekend..!!

02 Apr 2020 25 39 242
I wish you all the best weekend you can have under these eggceptional circumstances

Essential Supplies

01 Apr 2020 11 15 154
We found a packet of American Hard Gums at the back of a cupboard.........yay! (All gone now)!

104 items in total