A Lot Of Winnie-the-Pooh


Folder: Things
Another thing about me... :-) I collect books "Winnie the Pooh" by A.A. Milne in different languages.

A Lot Of Winnie-the-Pooh

21 Mar 2010 112
I collect books "Winnie the Pooh" by A.A. Milne in different languages... :-)

Winnie The Pooh_GBR

Nalle Puh_SWE

Winnie de Poeh_NLD

Winnie de Poeh_BEL

Pu der Bär_DEU


Мечо Пух_BGR

Winnie Ille Pu_Latin

Medvídek Pú_CZE 1

Medvídek Pú_CZE

Lang lang syne, a lang while syne noo, aboot Frida…

12 May 2010 132
Another book of my beloved hero in my collection!!!... :-) Great thanks to my friend Monika

Medvedík PÚ_SVK


Pu der Bär

29 Aug 2010 102
Another German version but bought in Bern, Switzerland. Let's say it is "Schweizerisch" version... :-)