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230714 IR 6
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Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Dimension:1920 x 1080 pixels
Created on:2023:07:14 21:52:08
Modified on:2023:07:14 22:09:28
Software:Adobe Photoshop 24.6 (Windows)
Copyright:© Jean Vernet, Montreux
Authors PositionVues infrarouge avec caméscope (filtre IR) depuis Montreux AS34
Color ModeRGB
Color SpacesRGB
Derived From Document IDadobe:docid:photoshop:a4969193 -e72c-ad4e-ad02-d3a8c5411552
Derived From Instance IDxmp.iid:46446707-af5d-1c4c-b9f c-1c16a0e11606
Derived From Original Document IDxmp.did:aa2e540f-ba6b-db45-974 e-29f35c9844c1
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
Digital Creation Date/Time2023:07:14 21:52:08
Exif Version0231
History Actioncreated, converted, saved, saved, saved, derived, saved, saved, saved
History Changed/, /metadata, /metadata, /, /metadata, /metadata
History Instance IDxmp.iid:aa2e540f-ba6b-db45-974 e-29f35c9844c1, xmp.iid:563ff5a3-26a6-b148-a34 3-1d360c6d1fc8, xmp.iid:23a2eee2-0993-4e49-a18 2-6fad93df1ee4, xmp.iid:46446707-af5d-1c4c-b9f c-1c16a0e11606, xmp.iid:582da3d5-bcf1-8c46-9b5 6-322075b33f0c, xmp.iid:cf183d6e-dfd5-9846-a89 6-8ed3d335031b, xmp.iid:bd62858e-7da4-5d45-94c b-603b0d174ebe
History Parametersfrom image/bmp to image/tiff, converted from image/tiff to image/jpeg
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop 24.6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop 24.6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 15.4, Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 15.4.1 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop 24.6 (Windows), Adobe Bridge 2023, Adobe Bridge 2023
History When2023:07:14 21:52:08+02:00, 2023:07:14 22:00:55+02:00, 2023:07:14 22:08:15+02:00, 2023:07:14 22:08:15+02:00, 2023:07:14 22:09:28+02:00, 2023:07:14 22:10:51+02:00, 2023:07:14 22:10:56+02:00
ICC Profile NamesRGB IEC61966-2.1
Image Size1920x1080
Legacy IPTC Digest7A9147B302D505F561D2B77443CFCC BC
Metadata Date2023:07:14 22:10:56+02:00
Original Document IDxmp.did:aa2e540f-ba6b-db45-974 e-29f35c9844c1
Photometric InterpretationRGB
Planar ConfigurationChunky
Resolution Unitinches
Rights© Jean Vernet, Montreux
Samples Per Pixel3
SubjectMontreux, infrarouge, AS34
Thumbnail Offset526
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 7.1-c000 79.4d2f597, 2021/09/01-20:51:22