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120216 Matisa Lausanne B
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Camera: Canon EOS 5D
Exposure:0.02 sec. (1/50)
Focal Length:25.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 25.1 mm)
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Aperture-priority AE
Max Aperture:4.0
Dimension:1200 x 800 pixels
Original Date:2012:02:16 15:12:55
Created on:2012:02:16 15:12:55
Modified on:2012:02:16 17:34:23
Software:Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
Copyright:Jean Vernet, Montreux
ArtistJean Vernet
Authors PositionPhotographe
Body Serial Number730505687
Circle Of Confusion0.030 mm
Color ModeRGB
CreatorJean Vernet
Date/Time Created2012:02:16 15:12:55
Derived From Document IDxmp.did:F1F82DBEBA58E1119909AC BFDF10C8B9
Derived From Instance IDxmp.iid:F2F82DBEBA58E1119909AC BFDF10C8B9
Derived From Original Document IDB79D8A315E603E8A467F0DCC2BBB67 C2
DescriptionMachine de chantier MATISA à Lausanne
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
Digital Creation Date/Time2012:02:16 15:12:55
Exif Version0220
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure ModeAuto
Field Of View71.4 deg
Flash Compensation0
Focal Plane Resolution Unitinches
Focal Plane X Resolution3086.925795
Focal Plane Y Resolution3091.295117
History Actionderived, saved, saved, derived, saved, saved, derived, saved, derived, saved, converted, saved, converted, derived, saved, saved
History Changed/, /metadata, /, /metadata, /, /, /, /, /metadata
History Instance IDxmp.iid:A1EC29ACB458E1119E59AC 7EC6A88351, xmp.iid:45EE0CBBB558E11185DDF9 B924C602D6, xmp.iid:1F1E2EFFB758E111810DDE 8BE14506CF, xmp.iid:240A7DD6B958E11185DDF9 B924C602D6, xmp.iid:250A7DD6B958E11185DDF9 B924C602D6, xmp.iid:C80D9DE9B958E111810DDE 8BE14506CF, xmp.iid:F1F82DBEBA58E1119909AC BFDF10C8B9, xmp.iid:F2F82DBEBA58E1119909AC BFDF10C8B9, xmp.iid:4AC9E734AE90E6118627FC B1A4EAE3B5
History Parametersconverted from image/x-canon-cr2 to image/dng, saved to new location, saved to new location, saved to new location, converted from image/dng to image/vnd.adobe.photoshop, saved to new location, from image/vnd.adobe.photoshop to application/vnd.adobe.photosho p, from image/vnd.adobe.photoshop to image/tiff, converted from application/vnd.adobe.photosho p to image/tiff
History Software AgentAdobe DNG Converter 6.6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 6.6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 6.6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 6.6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 6.6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 6.6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows, Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows, Adobe Bridge CS6 (Windows)
History When2012:02:16 16:41:25+01:00, 2012:02:16 16:48:54+01:00, 2012:02:16 17:12:11+01:00, 2012:02:16 17:18:18+01:00, 2012:02:16 17:18:19+01:00, 2012:02:16 17:18:53+01:00, 2012:02:16 17:33:48+01:00, 2012:02:16 17:33:48+01:00, 2016:10:12 21:01:30+02:00
Hyperfocal Distance2.61 m
ICC Profile NameAdobe RGB (1998)
Image DescriptionMachine de chantier MATISA à Lausanne
Image Number3
Image Size1200x800
LensEF17-40mm f/4L USM
Lens IDCanon EF 17-40mm f/4L
Lens Info17-40mm f/?
Lens ModelEF17-40mm f/4L USM
Lens Specification17, 40, undef, undef
Light Value10.6
Metadata Date2016:10:12 21:01:30+02:00
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Original Document IDB79D8A315E603E8A467F0DCC2BBB67 C2
Photographic Sensitivity200
RightsJean Vernet, Montreux
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.0
Scene Capture TypeStandard
SubjectCFF, MATISA, chantier, Lausanne
White BalanceAuto
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.3-c011 66.145661, 2012/02/06-14:56:27