Justfolk's documents

Iran1180kHz25Jan2021ICF20100125 220528

54 visits
Recording made (microphonically rather than by line) on Roland R-05, from Sony ICF2010, of a medium-wave broadcast from Iran on 1180. Received / recorded in St John's, Newfoundland, 10 pm 25/1/21 (UTC 0130 26/1/21).


109 visits
This is a recording from shortwave radio (15215 kHZ) just before the 1700 UTC close of the special Frisian-language (Őőmrang) broadcast from Issoudun on 21 Feb 2020. Received in downtown St John's, Newfoundland on Grundig Satellit 750 radio set wit…

VNigeriaDRMSignOffThurs14Feb2019at330pm1900UTC0214 153335a

132 visits
Sign-off by Voice of Nigeria DRM service 14 Feb 2019 at 1900 UTC. Received in St John's, Newfoundland, on MorphyRichards 27024 radio set with 8m wire aerial outside the window.


1 comment 118 visits
The second part of this [0:07 to end] is my recording of 540 kHz immediately before 2000UTC (4:30pm my time in St John's, Newfoundland). It is a mix of two CBC stations and the European station I think is the newly installed two-megawatt station at S…


130 visits
Listening to Radio Ulster 1341 kHz just before local sunset in St John's, Newfoundland. Recorded as video on my iPhone, so very poor recording.


88 visits
EDCH singing Penambuco Bound, I Remember Well John Cabot.., and other songs, rec October 1982. Poor sound, choppy (excerpt from C5810).