All Saints Church

Churches and Cathedrals

All Saints Church

15 Jan 2009 5 6 818
The spire of Oakham parish church dominates distant views of the town for several miles in all directions. The impressive tower and spire, built during the 14th century, in the "Decorated Gothic" style, are slightly earlier in date than most of the rest of the exterior of the building, which (apart from some Victorian restoration) is in the "Perpendicular Gothic" style. Oddly, the south doorway and its porch seem to be the oldest parts of the church, the doorway probably dating from the early 13th century, with the porch having been added later that century. In the light, spacious interior there is more evidence of the mature Decorated style of the 14th century. The tall, slender columns of the nave have intricately carved capitals showing animals, birds, figures, foliage and scenes from the Bible including Adam and Eve, the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, the Annunciation and the Coronation of the Virgin Mary. There is also a fine Green Man. It is a grade I listed building.

A lectern in All Saints Church, Bakewell, Derbyshi…

All Saints Church, Bakewell, Derbyshire

All Saints Church, Bakewell

Stone Coffins

02 Oct 2008 5 6 431
I found these stone coffins outside All Saints Church in Bakewell.

All Saints Church, Bakewell, Derbyshire

02 Oct 2008 32 11 873
The church was founded in 920, during Saxon times and the churchyard has two 9th-century Saxon crosses. During restoration work, in the 1840s, many carved fragments of Saxon stonework were found in and around the porch, as well as some ancient stone coffins.

All Saints Church, Bakewell, Derbyshire

All Saints Church, Bakewell, Derbyshire

All Saints Church, York

All Saints Church, York.

16 Sep 2008 10 6 792
The church was first mentioned in a document of 1089, but it was probably built earlier still. A re-used Roman column holds up the chancel roof and is a reminder that the church was built near the site of Roman public buildings. In the 15th century it was extended westwards and a 36m spire was added.

Ampleforth Abbey

Ampleforth Abbey

07 Sep 2011 5 3 568
Windows at ground level

Ampleforth Abbey (4)

Ampleforth Abbey

Ampleforth Abbey (2) 6543920317 o

Belton Parish Church, Grantham.

Belton Parish Church, Grantham

Don't fence me in !

48 items in total