1810's dress 011

1810's Dress

This is another extant garment from my collection. I'm slowly getting them photographed and up into my account!

07 Sep 2008

212 visits

1810's dress 011

The skirt fabric along with one of the very few stains on the fabric.

07 Sep 2008

207 visits

1810's dress 006

This shows one of the tears on the shoulder. Almost all the tears look to be easily repairable.

07 Sep 2008

412 visits

1810's dress 003

A close up of the bodice.

07 Sep 2008

207 visits

1810's dress 007

The outer waistband hides the seam of the bodice and skirt. It's stiff and most likely lined with the same linen as the bodice. You can see the attachment stitches on the inside of the bodice.

07 Sep 2008

196 visits

1810's dress 001

The full dress. It's made of cotton with a linen lining. The material is semi-sheer and has a purple design on it.

07 Sep 2008

412 visits

1810's dress 015

This shot shows that the hooks had been moved. Based on some other elements of the dress, I think it might have really been made sometime in the 1810's but let out and changed slightly as the girl grew.

07 Sep 2008

399 visits

1810's dress 017

Another shot of inside the bodice. I wanted to get a good shot of the basting stitches and the stitches that hold the outer waistband to the dress.

07 Sep 2008

203 visits

1810's dress 012

Inside the dress. The skirt fabric is left unsewn along the edge. The top of the fabric is folded over about 4 or so inches and then gathered to the bodice edge.

07 Sep 2008

430 visits

1810's dress 002

A full length view of the late regency styled dress. The bodice has colored with age and has a few problem spots around the shoulders. However, overall, the dress is doing pretty good for being almost 200 years old!
16 items in total