Still Winter

365^4 (2021)

Yup, I'm trying the photo-a-day thing again.

General rules:
* Monochrome. Until I change my mind.
* First week of month, set up as a fully manual camera.
* Second week, still manual focus but the rest can be automated (usually aperture priority).
* Rest of month, auto-focus and automated (aperture, usually).
* So far the camera's been my Oly OM-D E-M1 II, but that might change.

* January pix us…  (read more)

Still Winter

The Barn Tavern

Potter Street, looking north

Not Fun, But I've Seen Worse

I'll Just Stay Inside

17 Feb 2021 158

A House Beside the Park

Downtown Dewitt

Sculpted and Sparkly

Sheds on a Grey Day

The Same Old Barn

I Keep Taking This Picture

I Used to Work Here

Getting Weary of these Naked Trees

Just Stop It!

Joan's Building Shelves, Joel's Doing Laundry, Sha…

The Sky from Nickle Road

Grand Reflection

72 items in total