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It's All Light and Shadows
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Exposure:0.03333 sec. (1/30)
Focal Length:12.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 24.0 mm)
Flash:On, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Manual
Max Aperture:2.8
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Dimension:5184 x 3888 pixels
Original Date:2021:03:07 09:16:22
Created on:2021:03:07 09:16:22
Software:DxO PhotoLab 3.3.4
Copyright:Joel Dinda
AE LockOff
AF Areasnone
AF Fine TuneOff
AF Fine Tune Adj0 0 0
AF PointLeft (or n/a)
AF Point Selectedundef undef undef undef
AF SearchNot Ready
Art FilterOff; 0; 0; 0
Art Filter EffectOff; 0; 0; 0; No Effect; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0
ArtistJoel Dinda
Aspect Frame0 0 5183 3887
Aspect Ratio4:3
Black Level 2256 257 257 256
Blue Balance2.367188
Body Firmware Version3.400
CFA Pattern[Red,Green][Green,Blue]
Camera Settings Version0100
Camera Type 2Unknown (S0067)
Circle Of Confusion0.015 mm
Color Matrix360 -92 -12 -48 340 -36 14 -104 346
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Contrast Setting1 (min -5, max 5)
Crop Height3888
Crop Left12 0
Crop Top12 0
Crop Width5184
Custom RenderedCustom
Custom Saturation0 (min -5, max 5)
Depth Of Field13.19 m (1.00 - 14.19)
Digital Zoom Ratio1
Distortion CorrectionOff
Distortion Correction 2Off
Drive ModeContinuous Shooting, Shot 1
Equipment Version0100
Exif Version0230
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure ModeManual
Exposure Shift-0.17
Extended WB DetectOff
Extender Firmware Version0
Extender StatusNot attached
External FlashOff
External Flash BounceBounce or Off
External Flash Zoom0
Face Detect Frame Crop0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Face Detect Frame Size0 0 0 0 0 0
Faces Detected0 0 0
Field Of View73.3 deg (2.78 m)
File SourceDigital Camera
Flash Control ModeOff; 0; 0; 0
Flash Exposure Comp0
Flash Firmware Version0
Flash Intensityundef undef undef undef
Flash ModeFill-in
Flash ModelNone
Flash Remote ControlOff
Flash TypeNone
Flashpix Version0100
Focal Plane Diagonal21.6 mm
Focus Distance1.865 m
Focus Info Version0100
Focus ModeMF; MF
Focus ProcessAF Not Used; 0
Focus Step Count9485
Focus Step Infinity9431
Focus Step Near10279
Gain Base256
Gain ControlLow gain up
GradationNormal; User-Selected
Hierarchical SubjectCamera|Black and White|Monochrome|B&W|BW, Camera|Olympus|OM-D E-M1 Mk II|OMD|EM1, Folder|Folder 5000|5200|#5221, Months|March, Path|2020s|2021|20210307-Ceili ng Shadowplay-EM1-RAW BW-21-5221, Places|Home|Mulliken|Potter Street, Structures|Interior|Ceiling, Structures|Interior|Furniture| Television, Structures|Interior|Living Room, Styles|Light and Shadow|Shadowplay, Years|2020s|2021
Hyperfocal Distance2.13 m
Image Processing Version0112
Image Size5184x3888
Image StabilizationOn, Mode 1
Internal FlashOff
Lens Firmware Version1.301
Lens IDOLYMPUS M.12-40mm F2.8
Lens Info12-40mm f/2.8
Lens ModelOLYMPUS M.12-40mm F2.8
Lens Properties0xc140
Lens TypeUnknown (0 19 10)
Level Gauge PitchUnknown (197 1)
Level Gauge RollUnknown (-240 1)
Light SourceUnknown
Light Value7.2
Macro LEDOff
Macro ModeOff
Manometer Pressure0 kPa
Manometer Reading-999.9 m, -999.9 ft
Manual FlashOff
Manual Flash Strengthundef undef undef undef
Max Aperture2.8
Max Aperture At Max Focal2.8
Max Aperture At Min Focal2.8
Max Faces8 8 0
Max Focal Length40
Metering ModeSpot
Min Focal Length12
Modified SaturationOff
Multiple Exposure ModeOff; 1
Noise FilterOff
Noise Reduction(none)
Noise Reduction 2(none)
Panorama ModeOff
Picture ModeMonotone; 2
Picture Mode BW FilterNeutral
Picture Mode Contrast1 (min -2, max 2)
Picture Mode EffectStandard
Picture Mode Saturation0 (min -2, max 2)
Picture Mode Sharpness-1 (min -2, max 2)
Picture Mode ToneNeutral
Preview Image Length1018460
Preview Image Start10492
Preview Image ValidYes
Raw Dev Color SpacesRGB
Raw Dev Contrast Value0 0 0
Raw Dev Edit StatusOriginal
Raw Dev EngineHigh Speed
Raw Dev Exposure Bias Value0
Raw Dev Gray Point0 0 0
Raw Dev Memory Color Emphasis0
Raw Dev Noise Reduction(none)
Raw Dev Saturation Emphasis0 0 0
Raw Dev Settings(none)
Raw Dev Sharpness Value0 0 0
Raw Dev Version0100
Raw Dev WB Fine Adjustment0
Raw Dev White Balance Value0
Red Balance1.65625
Resolution Unitinches
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent2.0
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene Detect0
Scene ModeStandard
Sensitivity TypeStandard Output Sensitivity
Sensor Temperature23 23 0
Shading CompensationOn
Shading Compensation 2On
Sharpness Setting-1 (min -5, max 5)
Special ModeFast, Sequence: 1, Panorama: (none)
Subject#5221, 2020s, 2021, 20210307-Ceiling Shadowplay-EM1-RAW BW-21-5221, 5200, B&W, BW, Black and White, Camera, Ceiling, EM1, Folder, Folder 5000, Furniture, Home, Interior, Light and Shadow, Living Room, March, Monochrome, Months, Mulliken, OM-D E-M1 Mk II, OMD, Olympus, Path, Places, Potter Street, Shadowplay, Structures, Styles, Television, Years
Subject Distance1.865 m
Thumbnail Offset24048
Valid Bits12 0
WB RB Levels424 606 256 256
WB RB Levels 3000K282 936 256 256
WB RB Levels 3300K336 736 256 256
WB RB Levels 3600K358 674 256 256
WB RB Levels 3900K378 626 256 256
WB RB Levels 4000K444 744 256 256
WB RB Levels 4300K400 612 256 256
WB RB Levels 4500K476 620 256 256
WB RB Levels 4800K428 560 256 256
WB RB Levels 5300K452 518 256 256
WB RB Levels 6000K486 472 256 256
WB RB Levels 6600K516 494 256 256
WB RB Levels 7500K532 408 256 256
WB RB Levels CWB1384 384 256 256
WB RB Levels CWB2384 384 256 256
WB RB Levels CWB3384 384 256 256
WB RB Levels CWB4384 384 256 256
White BalanceManual
White Balance 2Unknown (1)
White Balance Bracket0 0
White Balance TemperatureAuto
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.5.0
Zoom Step Count0

GPS Information

GPS Latitude42 deg 45' 25.73" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude84 deg 53' 30.41" W
GPS Longitude RefWest
GPS Position42 deg 45' 25.73" N, 84 deg 53' 30.41" W
GPS Version ID2.3.0.0