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Exposure: | 0.1 sec. (1/10) |
Aperture: | f/8.0 |
Focal Length: | 25.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 25.0 mm) |
Flash: | Off, Did not fire |
Exposure mode: | Aperture-priority AE |
Max Aperture: | 4.0 |
Resolution: | 300 x 300 dpi |
Dimension: | 1313 x 1920 pixels |
Original Date: | 2013:06:02 16:30:26.20 |
Created on: | 2013:06:02 16:30:26.20 |
Modified on: | 2013:06:03 09:23:12.20 |
Software: | DxO PhotoLab 4.3 |
Copyright: | (C) Jean-Pierre Roche, tous droits réservés |
AF Aperture | 4.0 |
AF Area Mode | Single Area |
AF Fine Tune | Off |
AF Fine Tune Adj | 0 |
AF Fine Tune Index | n/a |
AF Info 2 Version | 0100 |
AF Points Used | C6 |
Active D-Lighting | Auto |
Already Applied | True |
Approximate Focus Distance | 2.37 |
Artist | Jean-Pierre ROCHE |
Authors Position | journaliste _ photographe |
Auto Distortion Control | Off |
Auto Focus | On |
Auto Lateral CA | 1 |
Auto White Version | 134348800 |
Blacks 2012 | 0 |
Blue Balance | 2.664063 |
Blue Hue | 0 |
Blue Saturation | 0 |
Brightness | Normal |
CFA Pattern | [Red,Green][Green,Blue] |
Camera Profile | Adobe Standard |
Camera Profile Digest | 7F1F34ADA5FBB6E384DE1BCC4B9220 01 |
Caption | Crypte archéologique |
Circle Of Confusion | 0.030 mm |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Active | true |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Amount | 1.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Angle | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Bottom | 0.885812 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Feather | +25 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Flipped | true |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Left | 0.580139 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Mask Value | 1.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Midpoint | +50 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Right | 0.810477 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Roundness | 0 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Top | 0.357814 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Version | +2 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks What | Mask/CircularGradient |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Brightness | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Clarity | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Clarity 2012 | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Contrast | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Contrast 2012 | 0.304350 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Defringe | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Exposure | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Exposure 2012 | -0.130500 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Highlights 2012 | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Luminance Noise | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Moire | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Saturation | -0.252170 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Shadows 2012 | 0.026090 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Sharpness | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Temperature | 0.147830 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Tint | 0.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Toning Hue | 181.000000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Toning Saturation | 0.050000 |
Circular Gradient Based Corrections What | Correction |
City | Bordeaux |
Clarity 2012 | +40 |
Color Balance Unknown | 0218·îiö¤ÍD9.W..D.ªz.¥ h.ãæ.[Ù\]ÒR.ÝÜYÛfcèt" øý-.[...] |
Color Noise Reduction | 15 |
Color Noise Reduction Detail | 50 |
Color Noise Reduction Smoothness | 50 |
Color Space | sRGB |
Color Temperature | 2850 |
Compression | JPEG (old-style) |
Contrast | Normal |
Contrast 2012 | +25 |
Contrast Detect AF | Off |
Contrast Detect AF In Focus | No |
Convert To Grayscale | False |
Country | France |
Creator | Jean-Pierre Roche |
Crop Hi Speed | Off (6036x4020 cropped to 6036x4020 at pixel 0,0) |
Custom Rendered | Normal |
Date Created | 2013:06:02 16:30:26.2 |
Defringe Green Amount | 0 |
Defringe Green Hue Hi | 60 |
Defringe Green Hue Lo | 40 |
Defringe Purple Amount | 0 |
Defringe Purple Hue Hi | 70 |
Defringe Purple Hue Lo | 30 |
Depth Of Field | 23.05 m (1.25 - 24.30) |
Description (x-repair) | Crypte archéologique |
Digital Zoom Ratio | 1 |
Effective Max Aperture | 4.0 |
Embedded XMP Digest | B8B2DA7BB4DC32EDD504B936726A8F 3A |
Exif Version | 0221 |
Exit Pupil Position | 128.0 mm |
Exposure 2012 | 0.00 |
Exposure Bracket Value | 0 |
Exposure Compensation | -1 |
Exposure Difference | 0 |
Exposure Mode | Auto |
Exposure Tuning | 0 |
Field Of View | 70.9 deg (3.38 m) |
File Source | Digital Camera |
Filter Effect | n/a |
Firmware Version | 1.00 |
Flash Fired | False |
Flash Function | False |
Flash Mode | Did Not Fire |
Flash Red Eye Mode | False |
Flash Return | No return detection |
Focal Length In 35mm Format | 25 mm |
Focal Plane Resolution Unit | cm |
Focal Plane X Resolution | 2558.64120483398 |
Focal Plane Y Resolution | 2558.64120483398 |
Focus Distance | 2.37 m |
Focus Mode | AF-S |
Focus Position | 0x84 |
Format | image/x-nikon-nef |
Gain Control | High gain up |
Gradient Based Corr Active | true |
Gradient Based Corr Amount | 1.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Brightness | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Clarity | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Clarity 2012 | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Contrast | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Contrast 2012 | 0.321740 |
Gradient Based Corr Defringe | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Exposure | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Exposure 2012 | 0.165250 |
Gradient Based Corr Highlights 2012 | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Hue | 181.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Luminance Noise | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Mask Full X | 0.888119 |
Gradient Based Corr Mask Full Y | 0.484908 |
Gradient Based Corr Mask Value | 1.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Mask What | Mask/Gradient |
Gradient Based Corr Mask Zero X | 0.823106 |
Gradient Based Corr Mask Zero Y | 0.485563 |
Gradient Based Corr Moire | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Saturation | 0.050000 |
Gradient Based Corr Shadows 2012 | 0.026090 |
Gradient Based Corr Sharpness | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Temperature | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr Tint | 0.000000 |
Gradient Based Corr What | Correction |
Grain Amount | 0 |
Green Hue | 0 |
Green Saturation | 0 |
Has Settings | True |
Hierarchical Subject | Aquitaine, Bordeaux, France, Saint-Seurin |
High ISO Noise Reduction | Normal |
Highlights 2012 | 0 |
History Action | saved |
History Changed | /metadata |
History Instance ID | xmp.iid:d35141dc-db56-7349-9e8 3-db86c8c20b50 |
History Software Agent | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7 (Windows) |
History When | 2015:03:02 09:24:27+01:00 |
Hue Adjustment | None |
Hue Adjustment Aqua | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Blue | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Green | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Magenta | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Orange | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Purple | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Red | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Yellow | 0 |
Hyperfocal Distance | 2.60 m |
ISO | 1600 |
ISO2 | 1600 |
ISO Expansion | Off |
ISO Expansion 2 | Off |
ISO Setting | 1600 |
Image Number | 1982 |
Image Size | 1313x1920 |
Label | Vert |
Legacy IPTC Digest | C38AEAEE8CD4C5AEF28FFEF59D4B0F 05 |
Lens | 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6 G VR |
Lens Data Version | 0204 |
Lens F Stops | 5.33 |
Lens ID | AF-S DX Nikkor 18-300mm 3.5-5.6G ED VR |
Lens ID Number | 173 |
Lens Info | 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6 |
Lens Manual Distortion Amount | 0 |
Lens Profile Chromatic Aberration Scale | 100 |
Lens Profile Digest | A912C7E46B4AA3EAA1EECC556DE601 3E |
Lens Profile Distortion Scale | 100 |
Lens Profile Enable | 1 |
Lens Profile Filename | NIKON D200 (Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-300mm f3.5-5.6G ED VR) - RAW.lcp |
Lens Profile Name | Adobe (Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR) |
Lens Profile Setup | LensDefaults |
Lens Profile Vignetting Scale | 100 |
Lens Type | G VR |
Light Source | Unknown |
Light Value | 5.3 |
Luminance Adjustment Aqua | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Blue | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Green | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Magenta | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Orange | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Purple | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Red | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Yellow | 0 |
Luminance Noise Reduction Contrast | 10 |
Luminance Noise Reduction Detail | 50 |
Luminance Smoothing | 30 |
MCU Version | 175 |
Maker Note Version | 2.11 |
Max Aperture At Max Focal | 5.7 |
Max Aperture At Min Focal | 3.6 |
Max Focal Length | 302.0 mm |
Metadata Date | 2019:11:27 09:56:03 |
Metering Mode | Multi-segment |
Min Focal Length | 18.3 mm |
Multi Exposure Auto Gain | Off |
Multi Exposure Mode | Off |
Multi Exposure Shots | 0 |
Multi Exposure Version | 0100 |
Noise Reduction | Off |
Original Document ID | 695DCEEC8FDBB989044B3E1FDB8E1A 3E |
Parametric Darks | 0 |
Parametric Highlight Split | 75 |
Parametric Highlights | 0 |
Parametric Lights | 0 |
Parametric Midtone Split | 50 |
Parametric Shadow Split | 25 |
Parametric Shadows | 0 |
Perspective Aspect | 0 |
Perspective Horizontal | 0 |
Perspective Rotate | 0.0 |
Perspective Scale | 100 |
Perspective Upright | 0 |
Perspective Vertical | 0 |
Phase Detect AF | On (51-point) |
Picture Control Adjust | Default Settings |
Picture Control Base | Standard |
Picture Control Name | Standard |
Picture Control Quick Adjust | Normal |
Picture Control Version | 0100 |
Post Crop Vignette Amount | 0 |
Primary AF Point | C6 (Center) |
Process Version | 6.7 |
Program Shift | 0 |
Quality | Fine |
Rating | 3 |
Rating Percent | 50 |
Raw File Name | _7SC1972.NEF |
Red Balance | 1.441406 |
Red Hue | 0 |
Red Saturation | 0 |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Retouch History | None |
Rights (x-repair) | (C) Jean-Pierre Roche, tous droits réservés |
Saturation | Normal |
Saturation Adjustment Aqua | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Blue | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Green | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Magenta | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Orange | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Purple | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Red | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Yellow | 0 |
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent | 1.0 |
Scene Capture Type | Standard |
Scene Type | Directly photographed |
Sensing Method | One-chip color area |
Sensitivity Type | Recommended Exposure Index |
Shadow Tint | 0 |
Shadows 2012 | 0 |
Sharpen Detail | 60 |
Sharpen Edge Masking | 20 |
Sharpen Radius | +1.5 |
Sharpness | Normal |
Shooting Mode | Single-Frame |
Shot Info Version | 0227 |
Shutter Count | 1982 |
Sidecar For Extension | nef |
Split Toning Balance | 0 |
Split Toning Highlight Hue | 0 |
Split Toning Highlight Saturation | 0 |
Split Toning Shadow Hue | 0 |
Split Toning Shadow Saturation | 0 |
State | Nouvelle-Aquitaine |
Sub Sec Time | 20 |
Sub Sec Time Digitized | 20 |
Sub Sec Time Original | 20 |
Subject | Aquitaine, Bordeaux, France, Saint-Seurin |
Subject Distance | 2.37 m |
Subject Distance Range | Unknown |
TIFF-EP Standard ID | 1 0 0 0 |
Thumbnail Offset | 23784 |
Tint | +4 |
Title | Basilique Saint-Seurin |
Tone Curve | 0, 0, 32, 22, 64, 56, 128, 128, 192, 196, 255, 255 |
Tone Curve Blue | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Tone Curve Green | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Tone Curve Name | Medium Contrast |
Tone Curve Name 2012 | Linear |
Tone Curve PV2012 | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Tone Curve PV2012 Blue | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Tone Curve PV2012 Green | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Tone Curve PV2012 Red | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Tone Curve Red | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Toning Effect | n/a |
Toning Saturation | n/a |
Usage Terms (x-repair) | Pour étude uniquement, reproduction interdite sans autorisation |
User Flag | 0 |
VR Info Version | 0100 |
Version | 8.7 |
Vibrance | +30 |
Vibration Reduction | On |
Vignette Amount | 0 |
WB RB Levels | 1.44140625 2.6640625 1 1 |
White Balance | Auto1 |
White Balance Fine Tune | 0 0 |
Whites 2012 | 0 |
XMP Toolkit | XMP Core 5.5.0 |
GPS Information |
GPS Latitude | 44 deg 50' 34.54" N |
GPS Latitude Ref | North |
GPS Longitude | 0 deg 35' 8.79" W |
GPS Longitude Ref | West |
GPS Map Datum | WGS-84 |
GPS Position | 44 deg 50' 34.54" N, 0 deg 35' 8.79" W |
GPS Version ID | |
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