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Horloge astronomique
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Exposure:0.00625 sec. (1/160)
Focal Length:13.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 19.0 mm)
Flash:No Flash
Exposure mode:Aperture-priority AE
Max Aperture:4.0
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Dimension:1057 x 1920 pixels
Original Date:2006:08:12 15:06:34.57
Created on:2006:08:12 15:06:34.57
Modified on:2013:10:06 11:13:47.57
Software:DxO PhotoLab 4.2.1
Copyright:(C) Jean-Pierre Roche, tous droits réservés
AF Aperture4.0
AF Area ModeDynamic Area
AF PointCenter
AF Points In FocusCenter
Authors Positionjournaliste _ photographe
Blue Balance1.472656
CFA Pattern[Green,Red][Blue,Green]
Circle Of Confusion0.021 mm
Color HueMode2
Color ModeColor
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
CountryRépublique Tchèque
CreatorJean-Pierre Roche
Crop Hi SpeedOff (3904x2616 cropped to 3904x2616 at pixel 0,0)
Custom RenderedNormal
Deleted Image Count0
Depth Of Fieldinf (0.68 m - inf)
Digital Zoom Ratio1
Effective Max Aperture4.0
Exit Pupil Position78.8 mm
Exposure Bracket Value0
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure Difference0
Exposure ModeAuto
Exposure Tuning0
Field Of View86.5 deg (3.76 m)
File SourceDigital Camera
Flash ModeDid Not Fire
Focal Length In 35mm Format19 mm
Focus Distance2.00 m
Focus ModeAF-S
Focus Position0x64
Gain ControlNone
Hierarchical Subjectprague
High ISO Noise ReductionOff
Hue Adjustment0
Hyperfocal Distance1.03 m
ISO Setting200
Image Count1831
Image OptimizationCustom
Image Size1057x1920
Lens12-24mm f/4 G
Lens Data Version0201
Lens F Stops5.00
Lens IDAF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 12-24mm f/4G IF-ED or Tokina AT-X 124 AF PRO DX II (AF 12-24mm f/4)
Lens ID Number122
Lens TypeG
Light SourceNatural
Light Value12.3
MCU Version126
Maker Note Version2.11
Max Aperture At Max Focal4.0
Max Aperture At Min Focal4.0
Max Focal Length24.5 mm
Metadata Date2020:04:29 11:19:43
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Min Focal Length12.2 mm
Multi Exposure Auto GainOff
Multi Exposure ModeOff
Multi Exposure Shots0
Multi Exposure Version0100
Noise ReductionOff
Program Shift0
Rating Percent50
Red Balance1.65625
Resolution Unitinches
Rights(C) Jean-Pierre Roche, tous droits réservés
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.5
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Sensor Pixel Size6.05 x 6.05 um
Shooting ModeSingle-Frame
Shot Info Version0207
Shutter Count1831
Sidecar For Extensionnef
Sub Sec Time57
Sub Sec Time Digitized57
Sub Sec Time Original57
Subject Distance2 m
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
TIFF-EP Standard ID1 0 0 0
Thumbnail Offset3222
TitleHorloge astronomique
Tone CompAuto
Usage TermsPour étude uniquement, reproduction interdite sans autorisation
User Flag0
Vibration ReductionOff
WB RB Levels1.65625 1.47265625 1 1
WB RGGB Levels424 256 256 377
Web Statement(C) Jean-Pierre Roche, tous droits réservés
White BalanceAuto
White Balance Fine Tune0
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.5.0

GPS Information

GPS Latitude50 deg 5' 10.00" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude14 deg 25' 14.00" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Position50 deg 5' 10.00" N, 14 deg 25' 14.00" E
GPS Version ID2.2.0.0