Queen's Wood Cafe

Haringey's Hidden Moselle

Photos taken during several walks along the course of Haringey's hidden River Moselle in 2015.
It runs from west to east across the borough; from its source in the hills of Highgate to its confluence with the River Lea in Tottenham.

Queen's Wood Cafe

Queen's Wood Cafe

Queen's Wood plan

Moselle watercourse

21 Aug 2015 217
Queen's Wood

Do not climb...


Reach for the Sky

21 Aug 2015 237
Queen's Wood, Highgate

Frog pond

Through the woods


Stink pipe

24 Feb 2015 191
Presumably to vent Moselle culvert?

Moselle outlet pipe

21 Aug 2015 154
Queen's Wood


21 Aug 2015 181
Queen's Wood


21 Aug 2015 168
Queen's Wood

Through the woods

21 Aug 2015 185
Queen's Wood

Disappearing into its culvert

Disappearing into its culvert

Rotten trunk

21 Aug 2015 186
Queen's Wood

175 items in total