A view I will miss (not)

Farewell Senate House - July 2010

Folder: London: Events and Exhibitions
Memories of Senate House on my blog

27 Jul 2010

179 visits

A view I will miss (not)

27 Jul 2010

204 visits

If I craned my neck I could see a tree...

27 Jul 2010

181 visits

Packed ready for the move

27 Jul 2010

196 visits


27 Jul 2010

173 visits

Our ex-office

I'll probably miss it... Views of my new office in the main college coming soon...

27 Jul 2010

210 visits

Locked for the last time

27 Jul 2010

183 visits

Last look down the corridor

27 Jul 2010

177 visits

Lecture theatre B29

Yes, I've taught in there and once had an office next door

27 Jul 2010

197 visits

Basement corridor

35 items in total