Wheelchair in the mud

Hadrain's Wall: Newcastle to Heddon-on-the-Wall

639 visits  |  Translate into English

Folder: Hadrian's Wall Walk 2009
8ish miles. Walked Friday 24 July 2009.

24 Jul 2009

107 visits

Wheelchair in the mud

24 Jul 2009

92 visits

Once a bike?

24 Jul 2009

114 visits

Under the railway bridge

Leaving Newcastle

24 Jul 2009

139 visits


24 Jul 2009

130 visits

Metal sculpture, Elswick

24 Jul 2009

108 visits

Crossing the A1

24 Jul 2009

139 visits

A motely crew

What would Hadrian have thought of this?

24 Jul 2009

105 visits


24 Jul 2009

132 visits


25 items in total