
LDN: Roundabout Old Street

Folder: London Places


12 May 2013 254
I am reminded of that old Windows screensaver...

Peerless Street EC1


12 May 2013 1 6 336
Note to gwlers: This isn't as obscure as it may seem at first glance. In fact, it's unique in London so anyone who knows it will get it very quickly. (And it's also quite near the silver birches I've also got in the pool at the moment)

City Road development

Eric Gill relief, Moorfields

12 May 2013 377
Eric Gill relief, Moorfields Eye Hospital The words ,'Domine, ut videam' (Lord, that I may see!), comprised the answer, according to the Gospel of Mark, to Jesus's question to the blind beggar Bartimaeus who called out to him in Jericho.

Alexandra Trust Dining Rooms swathed in scaffold

12 May 2013 270
Built in 1898 from funds provided by tea magnate and philanthropist Sir Thomas Lipton to provide cheap meals for the working classes. "This attractive period building, currently vacant, will be restored to its former glory." According to the planning document Let's hope this means they're going to do more than just retain the facade...

Moorfields clock


12 May 2013 246
Ceramic tile on wall of St Luke's primary school, Radnor St

Orange windows

12 May 2013 226
Peerless Street


12 May 2013 184
Moorfields Children's Eye Hospital, Peerless St


12 May 2013 221
Ceramic tile on wall of St Luke's primary school, Radnor St

Lost shoe

EC1 is fun

Radnor Street EC1

Lizard St EC1

12 May 2013 2 390
Both this and Helmet Row (next picture) were built on land belonging to the Ironmongers' Company . The names refer to the Ironmongers' coat of arms, which features a knight's helmet supported by two salamanders, or lizards

Helmet Row EC1

12 May 2013 678
Both this and Lizard St (previous picture) were built on land belonging to the Ironmongers' Company . The names refer to the Ironmongers' coat of arms, which features a knight's helmet supported by two salamanders, or lizards

St Johns Clerkenwell bollard

Ironmonger Row Baths

53 items in total