Skerry Harbour

Skerry Harbour - Sutherland

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08 Aug 2013

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391 visits

Skerry Harbour

A lovely spot, just to the east of the Kyle of Tongue on the Sutherland coast. It is protected by two islands, Eilean Nan Ron and Neave or Combe Island.

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09 Aug 2013

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Unidentified Flower

So far we have not identified this one. At first glance it appears like Bog Asphodel or St Johns Wort but on closer examination it doesn't seem to either. We found just two of them, about 20ft apart, just above the cliffs on an east facing grass slope. Can any of you wild flower buffs make an identification?

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09 Aug 2013

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325 visits

Unidentified Flower

So far we have not identified this one. At first glance it appears like Bog Asphodel or St Johns Wort but on closer examination it doesn't seem to either. We found just two of them, about 20ft apart, just above the cliffs on an east facing grass slope. Can any of you wild flower buffs make an identification?

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09 Aug 2013

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Unidentified Flower - Nearly Over

So far we have not identified this one. At first glance it appears like Bog Asphodel or St Johns Wort but on closer examination it doesn't seem to either. We found just two of them, about 20ft apart, just above the cliffs on an east facing grass slope. Can any of you wild flower buffs make an identification?

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08 Aug 2013

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08 Aug 2013

262 visits

Magicians Garden

When our son was small we used to drive past a sparcely poulated garden, with just a few trees. The owner was invariably seen walking around in a dark flowing cape so it became known as the magicians garden. This rockpool had a similar feel to it.

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07 Aug 2013

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371 visits

Skerry Harbour

My first attempts with an ND10 filter and I still have to master the technique.

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07 Aug 2013

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715 visits

Skerry Harbour

My first attempts with an ND10 filter and I still have to master the technique.

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07 Aug 2013

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287 visits

Skerry Harbour

My first attempts with an ND10 filter and I still have to master the technique.
11 items in total