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Camera: OM Digital Solutions OM-1
Exposure:0.01667 sec. (1/60)
Focal Length:100.0 mm
Exposure mode:Aperture-priority AE
Resolution:360 x 360 dpi
Dimension:4154 x 3236 pixels
Original Date:2024:06:16 16:40:29
Modified on:2024:06:20 08:37:29
Software:PaintShop Pro 25.00
ArtistJohn Owles
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
CreatorJohn Owles
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
Exposure Compensation0
History.# Rotating Mirror....'VerticalOffset ': 0, ....'HorizontalOffset 9;: 0, ....'Angle': 245, ....'EdgeMode': App.Constants.EdgeMode.Transpa rent, ....'FillColor': (0,0,0)....20/06/2024 08:37:30 # File 'P6160075-2.jpg' saved.....
Image Size4154x3236
LensOLYMPUS M.100-400mm F5.0-6.3
Lens ModelOLYMPUS M.100-400mm F5.0-6.3
Light Value9.5
Metadata Date2024:06:16 16:40:29+01:00
Metering ModeCenter-weighted average
Resolution Unitinches
Samples Per Pixel3
Thumbnail Offset7092
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 6.0.0

GPS Information

GPS Altitude0 m Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude RefAbove Sea Level