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Crémieu (38) 9 septembre 2023. Fête des Médiévales.
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Camera: Panasonic DC-TZ200
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Program AE
Resolution:180 x 180 dpi
Dimension:4669 x 3249 pixels
Original Date:2023:09:09 11:54:02.00
Created on:2023:09:09 11:54:02.00
Modified on:2023:09:09 14:33:09
Software:PaintShop Pro 19,00
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Flash FiredFalse
Flash FunctionFalse
Flash ModeOff
Flash Red Eye ModeFalse
Flash ReturnNo return detection
Focal Length In 35mm Format30 mm
History.# Traitement optimal des photos....'UseGreyBalance ': True, ....'GreyBalanceSampleLis t': [.....(0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0) ,.....(0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0) ,.....(0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0) ,.....(0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0) ,.....(0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0) ,.....(0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0) ,.....(0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0) ,.....(0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0) ,.....(0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0) ,.....(0,0,0,0),.....(225,225, 225,225)....], ....'BlackPoint': 2, ....'WhitePoint': 100, ....'Highlights': -5, ....'Brightness': 23, ....'Shadows': 5, ....'Saturation': 2, ....'Sharpness': 100, ....'PointList': [].....# Mappage ton local....'Strength': 1, ....'Block Size': 8....09/09/2023 14:33:09 # Fichier 'Médiévales 9 9 2023 (14).JPG' enregistré.....
Image Size4669x3249
Light SourceUnknown
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Resolution Unitinches
Sub Sec Time Digitized00
Sub Sec Time Original00
Thumbnail Offset580
White BalanceAuto
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.1.2