what goes on in the backyard

2013, A Picture A Day

Back at it in 2013!

NOTE - unfortunately my beloved camera suffered some internal damage and my photo-a-day momentum was lost for a time. I did the best I could, and will try again in 2014.

01 Jan 2013

173 visits

what goes on in the backyard

New Year's Day visitors - the only ones willing to brave the single digit wind chills!

02 Jan 2013

157 visits

frost in front of a sunset

...or "I Need Better Windows".

03 Jan 2013

146 visits


budget save pinch

04 Jan 2013

146 visits


One thing about not having enough shooting light this time of the year; I'm forced to improvise. I'm feeling my way around my macro lens. These are beads on one of my lamps, not much adjustment other than cropping and a slight exposure tweak.

05 Jan 2013

166 visits

the things you see...

Concord, NH. Is that a giant dog in a tux? It IS!

06 Jan 2013

146 visits


Bizzy can't figure out why the tree had to go outside.

07 Jan 2013

151 visits

a little green in January

cat grass for the kitty Edited in iPiccy photo editor

08 Jan 2013

133 visits


09 Jan 2013

113 visits

a pirate's life for me

148 items in total