Cold New Year

2009, A Picture A Day

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01 Jan 2009

109 visits

Cold New Year

Gusty winds and below zero temperatures kept us inside on January 1st.

02 Jan 2009

118 visits

Sunset Over Soggy Bottom

04 Jan 2009

124 visits


05 Jan 2009

107 visits


06 Jan 2009

112 visits


We've had such a lack of the white stuff here that I'd be thankful for any snow we can get. Fortunately, we were blessed with about 4" and as of now (11:30 am Wednesday) it's unfortunately turned to sleet. Will I ever get to snowshoe or x-country ski this winter? My belly flab and jiggly thighs certainly hope so!

07 Jan 2009

103 visits

Pretty as a picture

An old meeting house in Wolfeboro, just after the storm.

08 Jan 2009

118 visits

A view from upstairs.

Looking out over Back Bay in Wolfeboro. The bottom shot was taken about 2 minutes after the top shot. We had mini white outs all day long.

09 Jan 2009

96 visits

Golden sunset

10 Jan 2009

68 visits

Snow clouds cover the moon

316 items in total