squat gardening

Surridge community

Folder: Oxford

October in February

21 Feb 2009 1 51
Castle Mill Stream, Oxford

squats on the Castle Mill Stream

squatters on Castle Mill Stream

25 Jul 2009 195
Jericho, Oxford

longer gangplank needed

25 Dec 2012 1 158
boat home on the Castle Mill Stream, Oxford

home in the river

30 Jan 2013 1 132
Castle Mill Stream, Jericho

People's Republic of Surridge

06 Jun 2014 171
Castle Mill Stream, Jericho

Friends of Castle Mill Stream

06 Jun 2014 219
boaters' land grab

squatters' information board

20 Aug 2014 155
twixt Castle Mill Stream and Oxford Canal

canalside commune

21 Aug 2014 182
beside Jericho footbridge

riverside settlement

21 Aug 2014 201
Castle Mill Stream, Jericho, Oxford

live-in junkyard

04 Jul 2015 155
Castle Mill Stream, Jericho

narrowboat cafe

06 Dec 2014 1 5 258
Oxford Canal, Jericho

all day breakfast

13 Dec 2014 1 227
Jericho Canalside, Oxford

squatters in the fall

24 Nov 2016 1 138
Jericho, Oxford

shower room extension

29 Dec 2014 4 169
Jericho Canalside, Oxford

alfresco cafe with hand basin

13 Dec 2014 241
Jericho Canalside, Oxford

canalside Christmas

30 items in total