canoeists on the Thames


canoes and kayaks and paddleboards

canoeing at Donnington Bridge

14 Jun 2006 1 399
River Thames or Isis at Oxford

paddle back to front?

canoeist at Magdalen Bridge

14 Jun 2006 1 8 134
River Cherwell, Oxford

canoeist at Folly Bridge

14 Jun 2006 1 258
River Thames at Oxford

Riverside Centre canoeing

06 Jun 2007 6 77
Donnington Bridge, Oxford

epileptic canoeist

06 Jun 2007 6 72
with DLA mobility allowance

canoeists at Aston's Eyot

06 Jun 2007 1 59
River Thames, Oxford

canoeist on the Thames

06 Jun 2007 1 55
River Thames at Oxford

canoeists on the Thames

06 Jun 2007 1 55
River Thames at Oxford

life is but a dream

03 Jun 2010 1 3 295
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.

waterside gardens

25 Jun 2016 2 1 237
Oxford Canal near Oxford

kayak ball

13 Jun 2012 1 59
River Thames at Medley

canine canoeist

23 Jun 2012 1 150
Oxford Canal at Jericho

canoeing collie

23 Jun 2012 1 135
Oxford Canal at Jericho

canoeists at Port Meadow

04 Aug 2008 1 1 63
River Thames near Oxford

kayaking on the canal

17 Aug 2014 206
Oxford Canal at Jericho

The Hard Way canoe trip

15 Aug 2013 1 217
Oxford Canal at Jericho

kyaking pooch

06 Aug 2017 160
River Cherwell at Oxford

39 items in total