Network Rail tree destruction

council matters

Network Rail tree destruction

13 May 2015 4 221
Roger Dudman flats now spoiling views from Jericho Canalside

Network Rail tree felling

17 Jun 2015 1 153
Castle Mill Stream, Jericho

Network Rail tree surgeons

17 Jun 2015 1 136
Castle Mill Stream, Jericho

Network Rail tree clearance

18 Jun 2015 1 116
Castle Mill Stream, Jericho

overflowing canalside bin

green paint desecration

18 May 2014 1 207
Oxford City Council vandalising brick walls with their vile green paint

council's green paint vandalism

25 May 2014 2 274
Oxford City Council vandalising brick walls with their vile green paint, and simply creating a platform for further grff.

canalside tags

22 May 2016 121
council did the eyesore green paint

council's eyesore orange paint

05 Jul 2018 4 91
Oxford City Council spoils local conservation area with their eyesore orange paint

Oxford Council trashes staircase

25 Oct 2018 1 109
with eyesore orange paint

council wreck walls with their obnoxious orange pa…

26 Jan 2019 1 127
Oxford City Council vandalism

Mount Place motorbike repairs

27 Jun 2015 2 112
Oxford City Council is planning to repave this square because slabs are being damaged by tree roots. But it may not be just the trees causing the problem!

Mount Place motorbike trails

04 Feb 2016 1 56
Mount Place, Jericho

35 Cardigan Street

16 Oct 2017 2 121
plastic replacement windows contravening conservation area regulations

35 Cardigan Street

16 Oct 2017 1 143
replacing windows in contravention of conservation area regulations

35 Cardigan Street

16 Oct 2017 1 140
new windows contravening conservation area regulations

35 Cardigan Street

16 Oct 2017 2 151
replacing windows in contravention of conservation area regulations

35 Cardigan Street

16 Oct 2017 1 2 132
plastic window replacements contravening conservation area regulations

21 items in total