coal merchants' boat


Phoenix on the river

19 Jun 2004 1 1 98
Isis Pool, Oxford

Castle Mill Boatyard 2004

16 Jun 2004 1 206
Oxford Canal at Jericho

boats near Isis Bridge

22 Jul 2006 1 186
Oxford Canal, Oxford

Jericho Boatyard under threat

19 Jan 2006 1 1 368
threatened eviction as British Waterways prepares to sell off the land

Jericho Community Boatyard

12 May 2006 2 360
Castle Mill Boatyard before it was fenced off

Castle Mill Boatyard 2006

12 May 2006 1 369
Jericho Boatyard before it was fenced off

coal merchants' boat

27 Jul 2006 1 288
John & Madeleine Forth's beautiful commercial narrowboat, Newdigate, with their lurcher, Rock, in the back cabin. The roses & castles on the doors were done by Madeleine.

canal boat coal merchants

27 Jul 2006 1 257
Maddy Forth with her narrowboat, Newdigate, on the Oxford Canal

coal merchants on the canal

27 Jul 2006 1 280
coal merchants, John and Madeleine Forth with their narrowboat, Newdigate, on the Oxford Canal at Jericho

cable towage boat

23 Jan 2007 1 332
Port Meadow, Oxford

snowy houseboat

08 Feb 2007 1 294
Hythe Bridge Moorings, Oxford

spring on the canal

01 May 2007 2 187
Jericho, Oxford

Hiraethlyn at Jericho

01 Jul 2007 229
Oxford Canal at Jericho

How did they get up from Plymouth?

15 Apr 2007 271
narrowboat visitors to Jericho

grey clouds on the canalside

12 Aug 2007 1 272
Oxford Canal at Jericho

Duke's Cut lock

14 May 2007 1 194
Duke's Cut was built in 1789 to link the Oxford Canal with the Thames

Sultan at Jericho

07 Jun 2007 1 1 63
Oxford Canal, Oxford

R W Davis narrowboat

291 items in total