Naval College litter bin


smoker in the bin

26 Jul 2009 1 98
Oxford riverside

Cowley Road convenience

10 Aug 2006 1 71
now-demolished convenience at Manzil Way

Don't Miss!!

02 Aug 2006 1 5 436
the main attraction on Magdalen Bridge

summer morning in George St

27 Jul 2008 1 66
George Street, Oxford

Oxford High Street bus stops

27 Jul 2008 2 373
old Oxford bus stops before they were replaced with modern tack

old Queens Lane bus stop

27 Jul 2008 2 288
one of Oxford's quaint cast-iron bus stops now replaced by ugly modern trash

black and gold recycling bin

05 Jul 2009 1 117
Queen Street, Oxford

old Carfax recycling bin

05 Jul 2009 1 77
Oxford City Centre

has-been bin

05 Jul 2009 1 125
Queen Street, Oxford

Boswell blooms on Broad Street

07 Sep 2010 1 48
Broad Street, Oxford

say it with flowers

05 Jul 2009 1 1 109
Marks & Spencer, Queen Street, Oxford

ugly new street furniture

05 Jul 2010 1 49
Queen Street, Oxford

has bin Westgate

05 Jul 2009 1 79
former Oxford shopping centre

Bonn Square bin

05 Jul 2009 1 95
Bonn Square, Oxford

Westgate in bloom

05 Jul 2009 1 95
flower post at the old Oxford Westgate

Queens College

25 Dec 2008 1 157
Oxford High Street

University on the High

25 Dec 2008 1 169
University College, Oxford High Street

Oxford's crappy street furniture

18 Dec 2008 1 52
Cornmarket Street, Oxford

133 items in total