
Isisbridge club

Posted: 16 Jul 2019

Taken: 14 Jun 2019

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Canada House
Trafalgar Square
bus window shot

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Canada House

Canada House
London bus window shot

John FitzGerald has particularly liked this photo

90 comments - The latest ones
 John FitzGerald
John FitzGerald club
I didn't fave this because I'm Canadian, but because I really like the perspective you captured here. Your ability get so many good shots out of bus windows is very impressive.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
It's okay to be proud of your country, but PLEASE get rid of that awful Trudeau.
5 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
And replace him with whom? Andrew Scheer? Come on. As always, I'm hoping for a minority government.
5 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has added
I was hoping at the last general election for either a Conservative minority government or a Liberal minority government. Harper governed fairly well when he knew that the Liberals could topple him at any moment. But in 2015 he seems to have decided to throw the election.

Trudeau's main competitors for prime minister are two empty suits that talk. The Conservative Party has no real platform, and the New Democrats have a crazy one.

This has been going on for a long time. What has saved us is the Supreme Court. The courts seem to be the only branch of government where sanity rules. Anyway, the Supreme Court has been overturning the excesses of the legislatures and executive.
5 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has added
Incidentally, I have no idea of how I will vote, or if I will vote at all. I will probably vote for someone other than a Liberal, to promote a minority government. Also I'm unhappy with my MP, who I would have liked to see support Jody Wilson-Reybould and Jane Philpott (if news of them hasn't reached the UK, they're two former Liberal cabinet minsters who were expelled from caucus for publicly castigating Trudeau).
5 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
I don't know enough about Canadian politics to give an opinion, except that Trudeau is a disaster and I hope you get someone better.
5 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
The people of the world seem to like disasters as leaders, unfortunately.
5 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Threat to Canadians' freedom of speech:

Free speech falls and tyranny rises:
5 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
I'm against Bill 89, too. However, Trudeau had nothing to do with it. It's a provincial bill. As the videos say, it was Kathleen Wynne, the premier of Ontario, who was behind it.

Bill C-16 did none of the things Jordan Peterson and others said it did. You can find the text online.

There is no law against Islamophobia; all they passed was a resolution, which had no enforcement power. It will expire after a new government is sworn in in October after the general election.

The other videos have disappeared.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
I'm noticing that a lot of the video links I've posted have since disappeared. One can't help wondering if at least some of them have been censored by YouTube or the Thought Police.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
That's what I immediately thought. What really bothers me is that a large part of the motivation is simply Google's financial interests. They're acting in part to please big advertisers who don't want to be randomly assigned to political channels. I dunno -- I grew up in the 60s. People fought to get free speech then, now they want to suppress it.
5 years ago.
 John FitzGerald
John FitzGerald club
I wondered why Lindsey Shepherd had taken down her latest video. It turns out YouTube made her edit it. She explains here (some of the details are disgusting, but that's not her fault).
5 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
Not allowed to offend perverts these days. I guess you've heard that our Tommy Robinson is being held in a high-security jail for causing anxiety to child molesters?
5 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
Oh, I've heard lots of strange stories from the UK, Isisbridge -- like people doing time for calling a football coach a fat wanker.
5 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Human Rights Abuses in Canada:
5 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
Well, Yaniv has yet to win any of his cases.

If you want to see human rights abuse in Canada, look at our treatment of the indigenous peoples. But then British hands aren't exactly clean there, either.
5 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
Agreed, but that is a whole different topic. This is abuse OF human rights laws.
These are human rights laws that actually take away human rights.
5 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
And I agree with you there. However, legitimate suits can be laid on similar grounds (for example, protesting refusal of service based on political views). I don't know how you can eliminate suits like Yaniv's while allowing those suits. I suspect rules could be drawn up, but they would have to be complex.

As a Canadian I think the biggest threats to Canadian human rights are our hate-speech laws and the high expense innocent defendants often have to pay to prove their innocence. Even though I lean left I won't vote for the left-wing party here (the NDP) because it supports hate-speech laws -- human rights vested in the individual rather than groups has traditionally been a fundamental belief of socialism. The NDP's economics are crackpot, too.

Hey -- you may have got me to talk myself into voting Conservative in October (general election). We'll see. The campaign hasn't begun yet.

And as my two cents' worth I think the biggest threat to human rights in the UK is majority verdicts in criminal cases. Back to the USSR.
5 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
Hate speech laws are a big problem in the UK too and I would like to see them abolished.

sticks and stones may break your bones...

Another major problem, which is not widely recognised, is the number of men being wrongly convicted of historic sex offences, as cases can now be tried solely on oral testimony without any forensic evidence. The "victim" has the incentive of thousands of pounds compensation (plus revenge against someone she has a grudge against) whilst the defendant is in the position of being unable to defend himself, as he cannot produce alibis from 20-30 years ago, and the dates given are usually rather vague anyway. It all boils down to whether she's a good enough actress to convince a jury.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
I agree wholeheartedly. You may have heard of the Jian Ghomeshi case here. His lawyer demonstrated that his accusers were not telling the truth, and one even admitted she was lying to deceive the court. He was acquitted, but his life has been ruined, His lawyer had to do a lot of police work that the police didn't bother to do because they "believed the victims", and he probably had to pay heavily for it. And now he can't get work in broadcasting, a field he was prominent in.

No one was charged with perjury, of course.
5 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
I hadn't heard of that case before, but it seems that your Canadian courts do still insist on evidence "beyond reasonable doubt". This used to be the test in Britain, but has since been waived for claims of historic sex offences, where the victim's testimony is all that's required.

The police used to encourage "victims" to come forward, by saying they would always be believed, which effectively means the accused is guilty unless he can prove his innocence, which in most cases he is unable to. As a result, there are probably hundreds of innocent old men languishing in UK jails, whilst grooming gang rapists and jihadis continue to walk free.
5 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
Many here would like our laws to go the same way. The judges seem to be highly determined not to let them go that way, but how long they can hold out I donèt know.
5 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
Soon they may be jailing you just for saying 'bitch'.
5 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
Everything has been banned in Boston. This was a "by request" bill -- it was entered because one of Hunt's constituents requested it. Anyway, Massachusetts is in the States. I'm sure many Americans would be happy if it moved to another country, though.
3 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Liberal Party oppression - forcing healthy people into covid jails:
4 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
Muslims weren't known to be possible carriers of deadly disease then, There's a difference. And commending Trump when his policies led to 700,000 Covid deaths (most of them likely among his own supporters) seems unjustified to me.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Father of trans child JAILED for speaking out against gender transition:
4 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
I share the same concerns, But it's not as if Canada is alone in this.
3 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Canadian Liberals want complete control over your internet content:
3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
I didn't watch this one because I agree. As people here have been saying, though, all this will do is give a boost to the VPN industry.
3 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Trudeau's Canada is capital of woke:

turning Canada Day into a day of shame:
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
The police in Winnioeg were Winnipeg municipal police. Trudeau has no jurisdiction over them. The Conservative premier of Manitoba at the time, did -- a fact Ezra somehow forgot.
3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
Since when is organized and massive child abuse only of concern to the woke? There's plenty of stuff online about the enormous abuse practised in the residential schools. The idea that the monarchy had nothing to do with it is ridiculous. Victoria was Canada's head of state before the monarch's powers were restricted.
3 years ago.
Isisbridge club
journalist manhandled by Trudeau's heavies:
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
RCMP officers take their orders from the RCMP. I remember taking part in a demonstration against his father fifty years ago and the police ordering cabs to drive into us. We're a rough-and-ready lot here.
3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
I'm against this law, too. Too much like what the right-wing has planned for the States.
3 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
Where is this "right wing" that you speak about?
3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
I guess both the Republicans and Democrats are right-wing, so that's a good question. I should have said Republicans. They have been using voter suppression to suppress the Democrats' ideas and still are.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
Accusing the Republicans of "voter suppression" seems a bit rich in the light of the recent US election steal! But I think you missed the meaning behind my question.

The UK has a supposedly right-wing government, which is anything but. The Conservatives got a massive majority because voters were trying to keep the far left out, but they have proved themselves to be very far from conservative and Boris Johnson is a nasty shade of Liberal Green. In fact, all the current mainstream parties are left-leaning with little to choose between them, whilst decent right-wing parties are given no air time by the biased media.

That is why I asked where is this "right wing" you talk about, because things don't seem a lot different across the pond either.

The KH video was promoting equality of outcome rather than opportunity. We have marxist infiltration in all our UK institutions. The West is in a very dangerous place at the moment.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Chris Sky predictions one year ago:
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
Canadians like to follow orders they consider justified. But you might be surprised by the extent of accepted lawbreaking here. And we're not in lockdown.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
Oh, I'm getting the gist of it from other videos I've seen.
There are some brave people standing up for their rights.
3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
And getting sick.
3 years ago.
 John FitzGerald
John FitzGerald club
I forgot to mention this yesterday: if Chris Sky and others are worried about suppression of their rights, they can go to court. The courts tend to be sound on human rights But they don't go to court. The People's Party of Canada (Max Bernier's party) campaigned against the infringement of rights by Covid-19 provisions, but has no plans to go to court. As far as I'm concerned, I'm being deprived of essential medical services by all the people who won't make their rights case in court but somehow keep getting Covid-19 at 20 times the rate of the vaccinated.
3 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
So you like to blame the freethinkers for your woes, rather than your corrupt government?
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 John FitzGerald
John FitzGerald club
If they were true freethinkers they would stand up to the government. But no -- let's just wave our "Fuck Trudeau" flags. Anyway. nothing Chris Sky predicted has come true. His thought may be free but it's not leading us anywhere useful.

You also should be talking about corrupt governments -- the provincial government plays a role, too. Our provincial government is Conservative and despite many missteps it is controlling the infection rate.

And who says the anti-vax movement isn't corrupt? I wouldn't trust Max Bernier farther than I could throw him, and that ain't very far.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
As I said before, I don't know enough about Canadian politics to comment on the details, except that you seem to have some very evil people in charge. But I don't follow your logic about being deprived of essential medical services because of "anti-vaxxers" as you call them. Surely it's the government tyranny that's responsible for for any difficulties you might have?

This is a good description of medical apartheid in the US:
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
John FitzGerald club has replied to Isisbridge club
Yes, we do have corrupt politicians, and so do you. As I've said before, it's the courts that keep this country democratic. And I think Canadians prefer a crooked politician who does effective things to an honest one who's ineffective (a former premier of Ontario, Bob Rae, comes to mind -- an admirable man, but a hopeless leader).

Speaking of corrupt politicians, name an American one that isn't,

Here's my logic: 90% of Covid-19 patients in hospital in Ontario are unvaccinated. I have lung disease. I haven't had a CT lung scan in two years because all the unvaccinated patients need them, too, and their need is greater than mine, I realize many of those people have good reasons for not getting vaccinated, but many of them non-mediical reasons. Obviously if they're more likely to get Covid than vaccinated people they need to reconsider their choices, at least,

Two other things: 1): the UK has 1.5 times Canada's population, but 5 times as many Covid deaths; 2) the US has 8 times Canada's population but 28 times more Covid deaths. Freedom from death is a high priority for me.

And another thing: I'm willing to admit your analysis may be valid for other countries, but I doubt it is here. It seems the governments of many countries don't understand their citizens, and everything they say just frightens people more.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John FitzGerald club
You're lucky then if you have such good courts. We cannot trust our judges here, because they're overwhelmingly Liberal and out of touch with real life.

I can't argue with your covid statistics, except to say I'd be very doubtful about their accuracy. In the UK "covid deaths" include anyone who dies WITH covid, even if their death was caused by something else.

I'm sorry to hear of your lung disease, but I still don't see how you can blame the unvaccinated for the delay in getting your lung scan, when it is the government that has created the situation. Unvaccinated people are probably less likely to get covid.

I am unvaccinated myself and have hopefully developed natural immunity by now, and I do not feel in any way responsible for any hardships being suffered by the sheep who are prolonging this sorry situation by their compliance.

You mention governments frightening the people, and that is precisely their intention. More fear engenders more compliance.
3 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Who Are the Truckers4Freedom and Can They Finish Trudeau?

Globalist Puppet Trudeau Utterly Defeated By Heroic Truckers:

Shame on our media!
3 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Suspension of Civil Liberties:

Dictator Turdo:

Trudeau confirms his admiration for Chinese dictatorship:
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Isisbridge club
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Trudeau Lies His Way To Dictatorship:

these are the "terrorists" that Trudeau is tyrannising:
3 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
3 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Trudeau would see the death of Canada's constitutional democracy

WEF penetrating Trudeau's cabinet:
3 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Police crackdown on peaceful protesters in Ottawa

Medical Silencing:
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Isisbridge club
shredding Justin Trudeau:
2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
"Without freedom, it’s not a country anymore""
2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
“Justin Trudeau Is A Narcissist”
2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Justin Castro trained by the evil Klaus Schwab and his gang:
2 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
confronting and preventing 'hate'
2 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Trudeau On Trial (Episode 1)

Ottawa's Outcry - Trudeau On Trial (Episode 2)

Mission Hydra - Trudeau On Trial (Episode 3)

New Kids on the Block - Trudeau On Trial (Episode 4)

Battle at the Border - Trudeau On Trial (Episode 5)

Unlucki - Trudeau On Trial (Episode 6)

The Redacted Truth - Trudeau On Trial (Episode 7)

Trudeau gets away with it

"You've got to pay attention to the way this liar lies. He's a sociopath."
2 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Four Bills Trudeau is Using to Destroy Free Speech

Trudeau's Internet censorship law, Bill C-11
23 months ago. Edited 22 months ago.
Isisbridge club
This is how the Klaus Schwab's WEF controls EVERYTHING
22 months ago.
Isisbridge club
Justin Trudeau just set a new AWFUL record
21 months ago.
Isisbridge club
Truckers on the Frontlines of Freedom
20 months ago.
Isisbridge club
The Tyrannical Trudeau regime
20 months ago.
Isisbridge club
20 months ago.
Isisbridge club
Journalists should not be paid by the government. Full stop.
19 months ago.
Isisbridge club
new edition of Orwell's 1984
19 months ago.
Isisbridge club
Trudeau's transgender agenda foisted on children
19 months ago.
Isisbridge club
Justin Trudeau government has awarded $1.1 million to a 'purge fund'
that will target anyone who is critical of LGBTQ indoctrination
19 months ago.
Isisbridge club
ashamed if you voted for Trudeau
18 months ago.
Isisbridge club
Parliament celebrates a Nazi
17 months ago.
Isisbridge club
Is this the END of Trudeau in Canada?
17 months ago.
Isisbridge club
17 months ago.
Isisbridge club
17 months ago.
Isisbridge club
politicisation of medicine and tyrannical health care
16 months ago. Edited 16 months ago.
Isisbridge club
Trudeau Govt. caught hiding real suicide numbers under MAID program
15 months ago.
Isisbridge club
Trudeau's invocation of the Emergencies Act ruled unconstitutional

Judge Ruling may have Saved Canada
Trudeau was wrong invoking the Emergencies Act
13 months ago. Edited 13 months ago.
Isisbridge club
Trudeau caught using fraudulent data to impose lockdowns on Canadians
13 months ago.
Isisbridge club
end of free speech in Canada
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
Isisbridge club
assisted dying

horrific truth about Canada's MAID program
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
Isisbridge club
WHO gears up to ratify global health policies
10 months ago.

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