Anderson Falls


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Folder: Nature

20 Jan 2008

196 visits

Anderson Falls

Another view of Anderson Falls in Bartholomew County.

23 Oct 2000

185 visits

Anderson Falls

Waterfall in Bartholomew County Indiana. This 44-acre natural outdoor recreation outdoor area which offers a picnic area, trail system, and nature walk. Outcroppings of limestone and the falls over Clifty Creek provide scenic splendor and photographic delight. The park is located on County Road 1140 E off State Road 46.

06 Dec 2007

1 favorite


236 visits

Williamsport Falls

At 90 feet, Williamsport Falls is the highest free-falling waterfall in Indiana. It's located within the town of Williamsport in Warren County where Fall Creek flows over a sandstone ledge.

30 Jul 2015

237 visits

Lower Cataract Falls 2015

I took our trainee on a geology tour this morning, but the falls were missing?

17 Jan 2008

1 favorite


222 visits

Upper Falls

Cataract Falls, upper falls by the old mill foundation.

29 Dec 2015

5 favorites


579 visits

Cataract Falls

December 29th flood.

29 Dec 2015

238 visits

December 29th Flooding

Cataract Falls flooding.

10 Feb 2009

121 visits

Surf's Up!

Snow melt Sunday at the Upper Cataract Falls.

29 Dec 2015

4 favorites

346 visits

Cataract Falls Flooding December 29th 2015

The first permanent settler in the area was Isaac Teal who lived near the lower falls. He erected a small mill around 1820. The wildlife was plentiful. In 1841, Theodore Jennings and his mother road horseback from Louisville to Greencastle to visit his brother. From the primitive highway, he heard the roar of the falls and liked the sound. He bought 1,000 acres, which included the falls and Teal's rotting old mill. Jennings returned to the area shortly afterward bringing his wife and four children along with other friends and relatives. They journeyed here by covered wagons through the snow and they lived in the wagons until homes were built. Jennings erected a saw mill, flour and woolen mill, a general store, and copper and blacksmith shops in what would later be called Jennings Township. Theodore Jennings was related to Jonathan Jennings, Indiana's first Governor. Jennings later moved and sold the falls and surrounding acreage to John Teal. See it in motion:
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