Just Snow

My House

Folder: Me

28 Jan 2009

148 visits

Just Snow

Just snow at the old homestead today.

05 May 2014

5 favorites


458 visits

Pin Up Tin

The pin up tin from my shop.

30 Dec 2008

3 favorites


300 visits

Small Book Shelves

Small book shelves in the front room.

23 Jun 2016

2 favorites


307 visits

Storm Damage

We had a powerful thunderstorm pass through last Wednesday morning at 3:AM. It dropped a large branch onto the house and filled the dog yard with debris. I ended up taking Wednesday off the clean up the mess and patch the torn shingle on the roof. I've still got some damaged gutters to replace, but I had a setback on Saturday and they will have to wait a little longer. I took a full truckload of cutup tree limbs to the Greencycle place on Saturday morning and somewhere between the scales and the dumping area I blew a brake line. I tried to nurse it home, but I came to the conclusion I didn't have enough brake pressure if I had to stop quick and I parked it and called for a tow. Triple A came and got me and dropped me and the truck off at home. I've got it in the shop and I've got the old brake line off and I'll be spending most of my Sunday replacing it.

01 Jan 2018

12 favorites


547 visits

End of My Day

End of my day and the beginning of the New Year! Happy New Year Everyone! :-)

16 Feb 2021

1 favorite


116 visits

Snowy Monday

The snow drought seems to have broken and the city is pretty much shutdown.

15 Feb 2021

1 favorite

124 visits

Snow Storm

The snow drought seems to have broken and the city is pretty much shutdown.

16 Feb 2021

2 favorites

111 visits

February Snow Event