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2008 House of Ruins
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Resolution:175 x 175 dpi
Dimension:839 x 850 pixels
Created on:2008:10:19 08:18:01-05:00
Modified on:2008:10:19 08:18:01
Software:Adobe Photoshop CS2 Macintosh
Color ModeRGB
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Derived From Document IDuuid:F80C2E8442AB11DD9175B3433 2471368
Derived From Instance IDuuid:90D423BB42B111DD9175B3433 2471368
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
History2008-06-23T12:00:20-07:00.File Untitled-1 opened.Rectangular Marquee.Set Selection.To: rectangle.Top: 0.54 inches.Left: 0.93 inches.Bottom: 4.53 inches.Right: 6.93 inches..Reset Swatches..Fill.Fill.Using: foreground color.Opacity: 100%.Mode: normal..Copy..Paste.Paste.Anti -alias: none..Free Transform.Transform current layer.Center: center.Translate: 0 inches, 0 inches.Angle: 90°..Move.Move current layer.To: -0.38 inches, 3.72 inches..Free Transform.Transform current layer.Center: center.Translate: -1.12 inches, -0.68 inches..Select layer “Background”.Without Make Visible..Make Layer.Set Background.To: layer.Opacity: 100%.Mode: normal..Move.Move current layer.To: -0.48 inches, 0 inches..Canvas Size.Canvas Size.With Relative.Width: 14 inches.Height: 14 inches.Horizontal: center.Vertical: center..New Layer.Make layer..Layer Order.Move current layer.To: layer 0.Without Adjust Selection..Fill.Fill.Using: foreground color.Opacity: 100%.Mode: normal..Undo.Fill.Fill.Using: white.Opacity: 100%.Mode: normal..Select layer “Layer 1”.Without Make Visible..Move.Move current layer.To: -4.213 inches, -1.997 inches..Rectangular Marquee.Set Selection.To: rectangle.Top: 12.843 inches.Left: 7.887 inches.Bottom: 16.843 inches.Right: 11.887 inches..Fill.Fill.Using: foreground color.Opacity: 100%.Mode: normal..Move.Cut Selection.To: -4.69 inches, 0.957 inches..Copy..Paste.Paste.Anti -alias: none..Move.Move current layer.To: 4.263 inches, -1.8 inches..Free Transform.Transform current layer.Center: center.Translate: 0.999 inches, 0.999 inches.Width: 150%.Height: 150%..Nudge.Move current layer.To: 0 inches, -0.16 inches..Select layer “Layer 1”.Without Make Visible..Nudge.Move current layer.To: -0.033 inches, -0.05 inches..Magic Wand.Set Selection.To: 5.917 inches, 14.95 inches.Tolerance: 1.With Anti-alias.Without Contiguous..Deselect.Set Selection.To: none..Magic Wand.Set Selection.To: 5.767 inches, 14.24 inches.Tolerance: 1.With Anti-alias..Nudge.Cut Selection.To: 0.017 inches, 0.067 inches..Deselect.Set Selection.To: none..Rectangular Marquee.Set Selection.To: rectangle.Top: 7.323 inches.Left: 2.837 inches.Bottom: 9.363 inches.Right: 4.85 inches..Deselect.Set Selection.To: none..Rectangular Marquee.Set Selection.To: rectangle.Top: 7.173 inches.Left: 2.747 inches.Bottom: 8.173 inches.Right: 3.853 inches..Deselect.Set Selection.To: none..Rectangular Marquee.Set Selection.To: rectangle.Top: 7.263 inches.Left: 2.943 inches.Bottom: 8.097 inches.Right: 3.883 inches..Deselect.Set Selection.To: none..Rectangular Marquee.Set Selection.To: rectangle.Top: 7.203 inches.Left: 2.867 inches.Bottom: 18.11 inches.Right: 13.773 inches..Nudge Outline.Move Selection.To: 0 inches, 0.017 inches..Crop.Crop..Deselect.Se t Selection.To: none..Select layer “Layer 0”.Without Make Visible..Select layer “Layer 1”.Without Make Visible..Magic Wand.Set Selection.To: 2.067 inches, 1.313 inches.Tolerance: 1.With Anti-alias..Nudge.Cut Selection.To: 0 inches, 0.017 inches..Deselect.Set Selection.To: none..Flatten Image.Flatten Image..Magic Wand.Set Selection.To: 2.19 inches, 1.613 inches.Tolerance: 1.With Anti-alias.Without Contiguous..Layer Via Cut.Layer Via Cut..Undo.Select Canvas.Set Selection.To: all..Duplicate Layer.Duplicate current layer.2..Deselect.Set Selection.To: none..Select layer “Background”.Without Make Visible..Fill.Fill.Using: white.Opacity: 100%.Mode: normal..Magic Wand.Set Selection.To: 0.95 inches, 0.77 inches.Tolerance: 1.With Anti-alias.Without Contiguous..Select layer “Background copy”.Without Make Visible..Deselect.Set Selection.To: none..Magic Wand.Set Selection.To: 8.94 inches, 1.857 inches.Tolerance: 1.With Anti-alias.Without Contiguous..Clear.Delete..Dese lect.Set Selection.To: none..Select layer “Background”.Without Make Visible..Fill.Fill.Using: color.RGB color.Red: 0.Green: 255.Blue: 0.Opacity: 100%.Mode: normal..Select layer “Background copy”.Without Make Visible..Drop Shadow.Set Layer Styles of current layer.To: layer styles.Global Angle: 135°.Scale: 416.7%.Drop Shadow: drop shadow.With Enabled.Mode: mult
ICC Profile NamesRGB IEC61966-2.1
Image Size839x850
Metadata Date2008:10:19 08:18:01-05:00
Native Digest256,257,258,259,262,274,277,28 4,530,531,282,283,296,301,318, 319,529,532,306,270,271,272,30 5,315,33432;88B581EF9051C61935 63605A20EDA647
Resolution Unitinches
Thumbnail Offset332
XMP Toolkit3.1.1-112