Moderator's photos

How to message group members - 2 - german

How to message group members - german

How to delete group - remove members first

Location of flickr album to ipernity link

09 Jul 2023 1 110
Addon Script for ipernity import needs to be installed. Be sure to change url on flickr from 'albums' to 'sets' Be sure to refresh the album page with an F5. Be sure to run the script twice. First time it imports the photos in the album to ipernity (and creates the album there, but with only photos that were on ipernity prior to this first script run). Second time the script will place the photos that are now on ipernity into the album there.

New - blocked members dont appear

Adding a PiP - Add a note - visual

Making a reply to comment

29 Oct 2022 1 152
Hover over a comment to see the links for: Reply Translation Permalink

Group Names and Descriptions - changing group titl…


FireShot Pro Screen Capture #233 - 'ipernity Vos…

List of favorite photos-users is incomplete

We're almost there !!

18 Mar 2017 11 7 1068
Thank you ! 20k it's 80% of the first goal ! 80% du premier objectif atteint !! Merci ! On continue !! Keep going !!

11k ! Thank you

16 Mar 2017 16 17 1360
Merci Danke Tak Gracias Kiitos Efharisto Dank u wel etc.. On continue !! Keep going !!

Please continue to share !

15 Mar 2017 8 7 1047
In less than 2 days, IMA reached almost 40% of its first goal of 25k$ to save ipernity! Good job and thank you :-) Please, keep passing on the information ;-) En moins de 2 jours, IMA a déjà atteint presque 40% de son premier objectif de 25k$ pour aider à sauver ipernity ! Bon travail et merci ! :-) Et, SVP, continuez à passer l'info ;-)

Save ipernity !

14 Mar 2017 23 14 1526
Thanks to all the people who already participated in the campaign ! If you want to learn more about it please visit this link : And an article on team's blog :

New Article !! please reply to the survey

16 Jan 2017 14 15 1247
On the team's blog :

Download Albums solution

28 May 2015 4 3 741
Please read and share A consulter et partager (excuse the google image horror)

61 photos in total