YN 500

Yunon YN 500

A cheap little trashcam I picked up at the local antique store. It works slightly better than these kind of cameras usually do. It is a clone of the infamous "Time Magazine Camera."

YN 500

27 Aug 2013 334
This is nothing but a cheap little 35mm camera, the only identification being the name "YN 500." I picked it up for under a $1 but haven't had a chance to use it yet. I've read that this camera has been released using several different names, all employing the same "50mm Optical Color Lens."

John Wayne

09 Sep 2014 432
A picture taken in my living room, decor courtesy of my late Mother. The image of John Wayne is an actual photograph I bought for her and found it in an antique store in Benton, Illinois. Camera: YN 500 Film: Kentmere 100 B&W 35mm Lens: Auto Fix-Focus 50mm, f/6 Date: March 26th, 2014, 2.23 a.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals at 68 degrees: Ilford ID11 developer: 8 mins. Ilford Ilfostop stop bath: 1 min. Ilford Hypam fixer: 7 mins. YN500 1hf


07 May 2018 434
My friend Konnan. Camera: Yuon YN 500 Lens: Optical Color Lens Auto Fix-Focus 50mm, f/6 Film: Fuji Fujicolor 200 Aperture: f/16 Date: May 6th, 2018, 5.29 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 mins. and 45 secs. at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes at approx. 100 degrees Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes Kodak Photo-Flo 200: 1 minute Yunon Fuji 200 04gf

Lion's Club

07 May 2018 417
The local Lion’s Club building, a converted clothing store. Camera: Yuon YN 500 Lens: Optical Color Lens Auto Fix-Focus 50mm, f/6 Film: Fuji Fujicolor 200 Aperture: f/16 Date: May 6th, 2018, 5.33 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 mins. and 45 secs. at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes at approx. 100 degrees Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes Kodak Photo-Flo 200: 1 minute Yunon Fuji 200 06df

Dark Skies

07 May 2018 1 480
An interesting cloud I shot over our local reservoir. This is basically straight out of the camera, with no Photoshop adjustments or cropping. But it was taken with a clone of the legendary Time Magazine camera - a cheap, plastic trashcam that was made in the mid-1980s. The little camera didn't do too bad. Camera: Yuon YN 500 Lens: Optical Color Lens Auto Fix-Focus 50mm, f/6 Film: Fuji Fujicolor 200 Aperture: f/16 Date: May 6th, 2018, 6.04 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 mins. and 45 secs. at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes at approx. 100 degrees Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes Kodak Photo-Flo 200: 1 minute Yunon Fuji 200 10df