Mini Shot 110 Compact Camera

Mini Shot 110 No. 2

This was one of two little 110 cameras my neighbor gave me after a mutual neighbor of ours was cleaning out his attic and got rid of them.

Mini Shot 110 Compact Camera

Light Leak Rose

09 Sep 2014 382
Taken with a little Mini Shot 110 camera. The reason there is a huge light leak is because I used this roll of film in 4 different cameras and kept switching it out. I only took one picture on the roll in this camera, so, so far, this is the only shot taken with this camera. Kodak Gold 400 21b

A Single Rose

23 Oct 2016 296
A single rose growing next to my driveway. Camera: Mini Shot 110 Film: Kodak Gold 400 110 film Date: April 22nd, 2012, 1.41 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Kodak Gold 400 21cf