Pentax PC-330

Pentax PC-330

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I little point and shoot Pentax I traded for from my brother-in-law.

Pentax PC-330

How To Hold Your Pentax PC-330

19 Feb 2015 237
Scanned from the original manual.

Pentax Sprocket Tree

09 Sep 2014 1 409
This tree is in Kentucky and was taken on February 15th, 2011 with my Pentax PC-330. First chance I've gotten to use it, but I need to try it again with a whole roll of film instead of one frame of Kodak Tri-X poorly positioned inside the camera. Pentax PC-330 01df

Going Up

15 Nov 2024 1 40
Vines or something like that climbing up the side of my chimney. Camera: Pentax PC-330 Lens: Pentax 26mm Film: Fuji Film Neopan Acros 100 ASA 35mm (expired 10/2019) Date: April 24th, 2023, 10.36 a.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals at 68 degrees F Adox Adonal – 20 minutes (1:50 – 2 tsps. of Adonal and 500 ml of water) Water rinse – 1 minute (to keep the chemicals clean) Ilford Ilfostop stopbath - 1 minute Water rinse - 1 minute Kodak Kodafix fixer - 9 minute Water rinse – 1 minute Pentax PC-330 Acros 100 2023 02ff