Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash No. 7

Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash No. 7

Pictures taken with one of the eight Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash cameras I have. I'm trying to go through and use all of them, but it takes a lot of time!

Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash No. 7

16 Jul 2013 1 425
I'm currently using this camera with the intent on developing the FujiFilm Neoplan Acros 100 ASA 120 film I'm shooting in it with caffenol. (Thanks for the recipe, Tricia!) I put on a different flash unit because I like the feel of this one better than the one's with a plastic bowl. This bowl is made of aluminum. The date on this camera is "CARO," which translates to 12/56. It has a plastic lens instead of a glass one.

My Melons Are Ripe

15 Jun 2021 1 1 265
This mannequin awaits customers at this roadside fruit stand (called John Brown's Melons), located at the nearby town of Carmi, Illinois. Customers are asked to put their money in a box for any purchases and this honor system has worked for many years. Camera: Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash 620 No. 7 (CARO - period 12/56) Film: Fuji Film Neopan Acros 100, 120 size Lens: Glass Meniscus Aperture: F/16 (approximately) Shutter speed: 1/25 sec. (approximately) Date: August 30th, 2012, 5.28 p.m. Location: Carmi, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals at 68 degrees: Developer: Caffenol CM-RS, 11 mins. Water Rinse: 1 min. Stopbath: Ilford Ilfostop Stop Bath, 1 min. Water Rinse: 1 min. Fixer: Ilford Hypam Fixer, 7 1/2 mins. Final Rinse: Water, 2 mins. Spotting: Kodak Photo-Flo 200, 1 min. Hawkeye Caffenol 03df

Going Up

07 Oct 2021 3 284
An elevator located in Crossville, Illinois. Camera: Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash No. 7, (CARO - Period 12/56) Film: Fuji Film Neopan 100 Acros 120 Lens: Glass meniscus lens Aperture: Approximately f/14 Shutter Speed: Approximately 1/25 sec. Date: September 1st, 2012, 3.06 p.m. Location: Crossville, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals at 68 degrees: Developer: Caffenol CM-RS, 11 mins. Water Rinse: 1 min. Stopbath: Ilford Ilfostop Stop Bath, 1 min. Water Rinse: 1 min. Fixer: Ilford Hypam Fixer, 7 1/2 mins. Final Rinse: Water, 2 mins. Spotting: Kodak Photo-Flo 200, 1 min. Hawkeye Caffenol 04ff

None Shall Pass

07 Sep 2014 2 2 634
This image was taken a couple years back, but I finished the roll yesterday and then developed it last night in some caffenol. Taken with a Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash using 120 film. Camera: Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash (#7 of 8 that I have) Film: Fuji Film Neopan 100 Acros 120 Aperture: Approx. f/14 Shutter Speed: Approx. 1/25th sec. Date: September 6th, 2012, 1.07 p.m. Location: Eldorado, Illinois, U.S.A. Chemicals at 68 degrees: Caffenol CM-RS: 11 mins. Water rinse: Four times Ilford Ilfostop stop bath: 1 min. Ilford Hypam fixer: 7 mins. Hawkeye Caffenol 09ef


29 Aug 2023 4 288
An old tree in the middle of local farmland. Taken with a Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash using 120 film. Camera: Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash No. 7 (made in CARO - period 12/56) Film: Fuji Film Neopan 100 Acros 120 Aperture: Approx. f/14 Shutter Speed: Approx. 1/25th sec. Date: September 16th, 2012, 3.13 p.m. Location: Enfield, Illinois, U.S.A. Chemicals at 68 degrees: Caffenol CM-RS: 11 mins. Water rinse: Four times Ilford Ilfostop stop bath: 1 min. Ilford Hypam fixer: 7 mins. Hawkeye Caffenol 10if

The Park Bench

29 Jan 2024 8 7 341
A bench at our local park. It's a nice park to have a family picnic or a birthday party. I've attended several of each. Camera: Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash camera No. 7, (made in CARO - Period 12/56) Film: Arista.EDU 100 B&W, 120 size Lens: Glass meniscus lens Aperture: Approximately f/14 Shutter Speed: Approximately 1/25 sec. Date: March 5th, 2023, 4.29 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Caffenol CM-RS (all liquids @68 degrees) Water pre-soak: 5 minutes Developer: 11minutes (2 wine glass swirls every 30 seconds) Water rinse: 1 minute (to keep chemicals clean) Ilford Ilfostop Stopbath: 1 minute Water rinse: 1 minute Kodak Kodafix Fixer: 9 minutes (2 wine glass swirls every minute) Water rinse: 1 minute KBHF-7 Arista 100 2023 08ff

For Your Reclining Pleasure

14 Nov 2024 38
A couch just sitting out in the middle of a field. Very comfortable looking. Notice the burned out building in the background. Camera: Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash camera No. 7, (made in CARO - Period 12/56) Film: Arista.EDU 100 B&W, 120 size Lens: Glass meniscus lens Aperture: Approximately f/14 Shutter Speed: Approximately 1/25 sec. Date: March 6th, 2023, 10.53 a.m. Location: Carmi, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Caffenol CM-RS (all liquids @68 degrees) Water pre-soak: 5 minutes Developer: 11minutes (2 wine glass swirls every 30 seconds) Water rinse: 1 minute (to keep chemicals clean) Ilford Ilfostop Stopbath: 1 minute Water rinse: 1 minute Kodak Kodafix Fixer: 9 minutes (2 wine glass swirls every minute) Water rinse: 1 minute KBHF-7 Arista 100 2023 09ef