Vivitar 845 Tele Motor

Vivitar 845 Tele Motor

A sweet little pocket 110 camera that was given to me by an online friend. It has a built-in flash, telephoto lens and motor winder for the film advance. It works pretty good, too!

Vivitar 845 Tele Motor

04 Jan 2014 1 612
This is a nifty little 110 pocket camera with a telephoto option and a motor winder. It's the first 110 camera I've seen with so many options. Plus, a built-in flash! I used it and it took pretty good pictures, as well. Thanks to a friend of mine on "Some other photo-sharing site" that used to be quite popular and starts with an "F."

Exit 110

04 Jan 2014 1 458
Taken with a 110 film camera. Camera: Vivitar 845 Tele Motor Film: Kodak Gold Ultra 400 ASA, (Exp. 03/2000) Lens: Normal (not the telephoto setting) Date: November 28th, 2013, 2.51 p.m. Location: Interstate 64, Illinois, U.S.A. Vivitar 845 09ff

Middle Sisters

10 Apr 2014 394
I sign I happened to see that looked interesting, next to my bank. Taken with a Vivitar 110 film camera. Camera: Vivitar 845 Tele Motor Film: Kodak Gold Ultra 400 ASA, (Exp. 03/2000) Lens: Normal (not the telephoto setting) Date: December 2nd, 2013, 10.12 a.m. Location: Interstate 64, Illinois, U.S.A. Vivitar 845 17ff