Kodak Tele-Ektra 300

Kodak Tele-Ektra 300

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Kodak Tele-Ektra 300

I ♥ Rides

31 Oct 2013 1 294
This image is from a roll of old film I found inside a Minolta 110 camera that I purchased at a local antique store. The film was inside the camera, but hadn't even been advanced to the first frame! Of course, I had to use the film and see if anything would turn out. This was a ride at my town's local street fair called "Dairy Days." Camera: Kodak Tele-Ektra 300 110 camera Film: Kodak Gold 110 Lens setting: Telephoto Date: September 20th, 2012, 5.41 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Kodak Gold Split 09cf

Power Man

21 Nov 2013 364
This image is from a roll of old film I found inside a Minolta 110 camera that I purchased at a local antique store. The film was inside the camera, but hadn't even been advanced to the first frame! Of course, I had to use the film and see if anything would turn out. On my way to town one day, I stopped and got a picture of this man working for the power company. The power had went off for a little while and had done so while I was in the shower. By the time I got back home later that night, however, the power had been restored. This shot was taken with the camera's "telephoto" setting. Camera: Kodak Tele-Ektra 300 110 camera Film: Kodak Gold 110 Lens setting: Telephoto Date: September 20th, 2012, 5.26 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Kodak Gold Split 07cf