KB Gear JamCam 3.0

KB Gear JamCam 3.0

A little .3 megapixel digital point and shoot camera.

KB Gear JamCam 3.0

20 Sep 2013 1 321
This is an old .3 megapixel digital camera I got from my sister one year for Christmas. It's not very good for clarity, but it is fun to use. I dig it out every now and then and put it into action.

20th Century

23 Sep 2013 238
Taken with my .3 megapixel JamCam 3.0 on July 15th, 2009.

Barbie Joins A Nudist Colony

25 Mar 2012 315
I was going through my parent's closet when I found this giant Barbie doll. I jumped back at first because it looked like a real person, albeit a midget or something. But, she was standing in the closet dressed just like this and it struck me as odd, so I took her out onto the front porch swing and snapped her picture. Look out, Ken! Camera: JamCam 3.0 Megapixels: .1 Picture size: 480x640 DPI: 96 Date: March 25th, 2012 Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Jam010b

Possession Is Nine-Tenths Of The Dog

23 Sep 2013 244
Ace the dog, taken with my JamCam 3.0 digital camera. Shot on October 11th, 2010.

Roadway No. 2

23 Sep 2013 251
The road running in front of my house. Taken with my .3 megapixel KB Gear JamCam 3.0 digital camera.

Rainy Days And Fridays

23 Sep 2013 240
This is a shot I took with my JamCam 3.0 on a Friday, which was a cold and rainy day. This is the way it came, straight out of the camera - I thought it turned out pretty good. I was trying to make everything blur except for the vehicle, which I followed with the camera at the same speed. Jam009


15 Nov 2024 51
The duck they used for the Aflac commercials. This was taken by pointing my little digital camera right at the TV screen. Taken on October 29th, 2003, with my 01 - JamCam 3.0.