Polaroid Square Shooter

Polaroid Square Shooter

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Polaroid Square Shooter

24 Jun 2013 291
I found one of these in used condition back around 1977 or 1978 and experimented with it for a little while. Unfortunately, I no longer have the actual camera or an image of the original one. I did find another one in the last couple years on a popular online auction site and bought it for .99 cents.

Polaroid Square Shooter Triptych

11 Aug 2013 393
As I recall, if you covered the little sensor on a Polaroid Square Shooter, it would hold the shutter open indefinitely. These were timed exposures of cars, street lights and signs. I remember taking these shots and they are, apparently, the only ones I did like this with the first Polaroid Square Shooter I had. You can see that each one features different techniques and lighting sources. The first one is car headlights and tailights, photographed from a long and stationary distance away. The last one is also car lights, but looks like it was taken while driving in and among traffic. The middle one appears to be street lights or signs and I was "painting" with the light and attempting to make designs.

1967 Cadillac Fleetwood Series Sixty Special

12 Aug 2013 521
This was my 1967 Cadillac Fleetwood, photographed with a Polaroid Square Shooter back in 1978 when I first got the car.