Continental Tele-Flash T-52

Continental Tele-Flash T-52

I used to have a camera just like this back in the mid-1980s. But, I gave it away to a girlfriend I had at the time.

Continental Tele-Flash T-52

02 Aug 2016 313
I had this exact model of 110 camera back in 1986. Must have picked it up used at a yard sale, because I definitely didn't buy it brand new. The original one had two rolls of film ran through it and then it never got used again. I ended up giving it away to a current girlfriend at the time. This one is like brand new, so maybe it will work better than the original one. Need to run some 110 film through it and find out.

110 Cloud

18 Mar 2025 2 23
Looking like eerie fingers, I shot this cloud on 110 film. Camera: Continental Tele-Flash T-52 Film: Kodak Ultra 400 (expired on 06/2008) Date: October 31st, 2020, 2.43 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes 3-110-1 Kodak Ultra 400 2020 01hf

Light Leak?

07 Sep 2021 5 157
I think I'm getting a light leak some how when I shoot with 110 film. It happens with different films and different cameras, so I can't figure out where it's coming from. Camera: Continental Tele-Flash T-52 Film: Kodak Ultra 400 (expired on 06/2008) Date: October 31st, 2020, 2.59 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes 3-110-1 Kodak Ultra 400 2020 02ff


07 Sep 2021 168
A Volkswagen Beetle over on the other side of town. The film expired in 2008, so I picked today to shoot it because the sun was bright out today. Camera: Continental Tele-Flash T-52 Film: Kodak Ultra 400 (expired on 06/2008) Date: October 31st, 2020, 3.03 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes 3-110-1 Kodak Ultra 400 2020 05df