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Camera: SONY ILCE-6500
Exposure:0.00025 sec. (1/4000)
Focal Length:16.0 mm
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Aperture-priority AE
Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Dimension:4965 x 3999 pixels
Original Date:2024:11:26 09:02:57
Modified on:2024:12:17 21:30:41.26
Software:ACDSee Ultimate 2024
Copyright:Klaus Guenter
Color SpacesRGB
Date/Time Created2024:11:26 09:02:57+00:00
Exposure Compensation-0.3
Hierarchical Subject2021, Lebendig, Unaufdringlich, Bild, Eisen (Material), Farbe, Form, Metall, Vorhängeschloss, Badezimmerzubehör, Handtuch, Holzwand, Tür, Vorhang, Wand, Zaun
Image Size4965x3999
LensSigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN | Contemporary C 017
Lens MakeSigma
Lens ModelSigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN | Contemporary C 017
Light Value14.0
Metadata Date2024:12:17 20:29:03+01:00
Metering ModeCenter-weighted average
On 1 Export DataewogICAgImJ1aWxkIjogIjE5LjAuMi 4xNjEzMSIsCiAgICAiZ3VpZCI6ICI2 ZjRjNjYwZi0wMWQ2LTQ5MjktYmQ5Yi 1lNjhmZGQ3ODU2MjUiLAogICAgInRp bWVzdGFtcCI6ICIyMDI0LTEyLTE3VD IwOjI5OjExWiIKfQo=
On 1 Ref67ad288a-0dc3-46d2-b08c-ffe82d f28d32
Resolution Unitinches
RightsKlaus Guenter
Sub Sec Time26
Subject2021, Lebendig, Unaufdringlich, Bild, Eisen (Material), Farbe, Form, Metall, Vorhängeschloss, Badezimmerzubehör, Handtuch, Holzwand, Tür, Vorhang, Wand, Zaun
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.5.0
Y Cb Cr PositioningCentered