Under Repair.


Mainly RNLI, but may include rescue boats and hovercraft from other life-saving organisations.

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17 Jun 2018

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486 visits

Under Repair.

Whitby Lifeboat moored at Eyemouth Marine for repairs in 2018, This is a Trent D class all weather boat named George and Mary Webb , The traditional wooden cabin cruiser in the adjacent mooring looks to having more extensive repairs. SEE PIP

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22 Sep 2021

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553 visits

Lifeboat Weather

The Girvan all weather Shannon class Lifeboat " Elizabeth and Gertrude Allen" on her mooring, as the sky darkens and bad weather rolls in from the Firth of Clyde.

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14 Apr 2021

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665 visits

Launched, HFF

Burnham on Sea lifeboat launch crew return to the boathouse after lauching an inshore lifeboat into Bridgwater Bay, a tracked unit is required to cross the mud at times of low tide such as in this image. The sea defence required to hold the extreme tidal range can just be seen left of image and the notes show the position of the two rivers that enter the bay at this point.. The image is in 16.9 so a large view would be appreciated. HFF and a great but safe weekend from Somerset.

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25 Sep 2014

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1 669 visits

Lifeboat Station

Evening over the RNLI Lifeboat station at St Abbs, Scottish Borders. Home the Atlantic 75 boat "Dorothy and Katherine Barr II " Despite local opposition and having already saved 4 lives in the year, the RNLI boat was withdrawn on 8th September 2015, urgent fundraising and a generous donation from Sir George Tunnock allowed the purchase of an independent lifeboat, she was named "Thomas Tunnock" and officially launched 17th September 2016. The St Abbs Lifeboat is crewed by a group of highly experienced men and women, most of whom work the seas around St Abbs every day as fishermen, dive boat operators and divers. Their local knowledge is second to none. Between them they have amassed over 330 years personal experience of saving lives at sea. (From the Lifeboat Web Site) www.stabbslifeboat.org.uk/support-stabbs-lifeboat

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29 Sep 2017

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290 visits


Five minutes before this image we were sitting on the bench enjoying the evening sun and watching the boats, the wind came first, see the palm tree, quickly followed by dark clouds and then the storm, We had made it back to the car then, thankfully This is the Kyle of Lochalsh Lifeboat Station which is home to an RNLI B class lifeboat HBM and a good week.

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18 May 2023

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240 visits

Always Ready !

Campbeltown Loch and the RNLI Severn Class Lifeboat, Earnest and Mary Shaw on station in the Harbour, The Severn class at 17.3 meters are the largest boats in the fleet. I would appreciate a large viewing,,,,,,,,,, Wish you all a nice Friday and great weekend !