pimlico's photos

IMG 6126

24 Feb 2009 3 152
en route en Inde

IMG 6125

24 Feb 2009 3 152
moto-pousse et mur chargé

IMG 6107

24 Feb 2009 3 173
ça marche, ça roule

IMG 6089

23 Feb 2009 2 146
ombre et tréteau

IMG 6087

23 Feb 2009 1 187
Sleeping dogs lie. Haryana, India

IMG 6142

24 Feb 2009 1 145
L'homme couché voit la rue et son journal

IMG 6066

23 Feb 2009 145
A cheval sur un buffle

IMG 6146

24 Feb 2009 151
Sombrement dessous, installé dessus, impérialement

IMG 6420

27 Feb 2009 1 145
Lucknow at dusk

IMG 6072

23 Feb 2009 122
Riding a buffalo in a pond in Haryana

IMG 5989

23 Feb 2009 119
Cow and buffalo enclosures and cakes of cow-dung before the brick wall, used later for heating or cooking. In the state of Haryana.

IMG 6074

23 Feb 2009 108
Old man and buffaloes

IMG 6426 2

28 Feb 2009 115
A crescent street in Lucknow

IMG 6029

23 Feb 2009 106
Boys against the sun as they look down, Who's down there?

IMG 6020

23 Feb 2009 100
Long brick-enclosed passage. In Haryana.

IMG 6008

23 Feb 2009 1 118
The lorries and cows are at rest, the woman in yellow shields her eyes.

IMG 6031

23 Feb 2009 109
Sisters blue. In Haryana

DSC 0254

100 photos in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.