08 Linville Station 0308 001

Linville Station 0308, 0312, 0314

Folder: Railway Locations and Infrastructure.
I had no idea this existed until I drove past it on my way back from a weekend a bit futher up the valley. See Lions Camp . The station building is restored and some dilapidated rolling stock stands on line which goes nowhere. Comments and corrections welcomed. A quote from www.railtrails.org.au/states/trails.php3?action=trail&amp... on 14/03/08 "The Brisbane Valley is Queensland's first majo…  (read more)

08 Linville Station 0308 001

02 Mar 2008 123
Looking west along the route to Brisbane. The rolling stock is behind me. In the grass left of the photo are timber stumps, which are cut off close to the ground, possibly from a water tower.

12 Linville Station 0308 002

02 Mar 2008 126
Looking east along the unrestored and fading rolling stock. They stand on a length of track. All other track has been lifted. There are stumps cut off close to the ground in the grass to the right of the photo which could be from a water tower.

14 Linville Station 0308 004

02 Mar 2008 146
Heritage is fading...

18 Linville Station 0308 005

02 Mar 2008 188
Looking east away from Brisbane.

15 Linville Station 0308 006

02 Mar 2008 174
Rail trail sign

17 Linville Station 0308 008

02 Mar 2008 168
Looking west at the crumbling rolling stock.

10 Linville Station 0308 029

02 Mar 2008 169
Looking west along the route to Brisbane. The rolling stock is behind me. In the grass left of the photo are timber stumps, which are cut off close to the ground, possibly from a water tower.

09 Linville Station 0308 030

02 Mar 2008 189
Looking west along the route to Brisbane. The rolling stock is behind me. In the grass behind the photo are timber stumps, which are cut off close to the ground, possibly from a water tower.

05 Linville Station 0308 031

02 Mar 2008 183
Linville station building looking west. The building is in good condition and well maintained.

11 Linville Station 0308 032

02 Mar 2008 132
Looking west along the unrestored and fading rolling stock. They stand on a length of track. All other track has been lifted.

19 Linville Station 0308 009

02 Mar 2008 141
Looking east, towards Blackbutt.

04 Linville Station 0308 010

02 Mar 2008 190
Linville station building from the driveway, looking west.

03 Linville Station 0308 011

02 Mar 2008 186
A sign about accessing the rail trail.

07 Linville Station 0308 012

02 Mar 2008 155
A sign in the window of Linville station building. The building is in good condition and well maintained.

06 Linville Station 0308 013

02 Mar 2008 171
Linville station building looking east. The building is in good condition and well maintained.

02 Linville Station 0308 014

02 Mar 2008 152
Entrance to Linville railway yard and station.

01 Linville Station 0308 015

02 Mar 2008 353
Sign on railway yard gate.

201203Linville 001

45 items in total