Wacol 210608 001

Wacol Station, Qld

Folder: Railway Locations and Infrastructure.
Wacol station west of Brisbane on the line to Toowoomba and south western Queensland. Comments and corrections welcomed.

21 Jun 2008

133 visits

Wacol 210608 001

Looking south over the level crossing to the two platforms. the nearest track is the Up. The high part of the pedestrian bridge allows the OH wiring to go under. The sidings to the left are not electrified.

21 Jun 2008

126 visits

Wacol 210608 002

Looking south from the bridge, view is over the Down platform. The bridge is fitted with a punched mesh on the part above the track.

21 Jun 2008

128 visits

Wacol 21/06/08 003

Looking north, towards Brisbane, showing platform 1, pedestrian access from the road and the four tracks of level crossing. Some flat wagons (for containers?) are in the sidings.

21 Jun 2008

145 visits

Wacol 210608 005

Looking south showing the station office on platform 2.

21 Jun 2008

136 visits

Wacol 210608 006

Looking south along the sidings, east of platform 1. The bus stops are to their left and beyond them is the commuter car park.

21 Jun 2008

134 visits

Wacol 210608 007

Looking south along the sidings, east of platform 1. The bus stops are to their left and beyond them is the commuter car park.

21 Jun 2008

136 visits

Wacol 210608 011

The signal, showing red, is protecting the level crossing. It clears to green when the crossing gates are closed to road traffic. This means road traffic is not delayed by stopping trains.

21 Jun 2008

137 visits

Wacol 21/06/08 012

The signal is protecting the level crossing. It clears to green when the crossing gates are closed to road traffic. This means road traffic is not delayed by stopping trains. It returns to red as the train crosses the road.

19 Apr 2009

133 visits

200904Wacol 006

10 items in total